to all the bros

do some of you guys have no problem showing your penises or even looking at your friends penises? I got a group of close friends that I can call my brothers but never in a million years I would think we're all comfortable of flopping our dicks around our faces.


Definitely not.

I know certain people like to call it "being comfortable with your sexuality", but I think there is something not quite right about 'hanging' out with your friends. I have great best friends, and we would never act like that.


There's a few threads on this subject, is it really this big a deal for so many people?
I play sports so getting naked in front of other guys is really not a big deal, though I admit it did get weird one time when one of the guys seemed to get dressed in reverse order so he was standing there with no bottoms but a shirt and jacket on. I don't even know why someone would get dressed like that...

"God, when I meet you, I'm gonna be pretty. If it's the last thing I do. I'll be a beautiful angel."


"I play sports so getting naked in front of other guys is really not a big deal"

We're not talking about locker rooms and such, where nudity is unavoidable; even there, however, no one calls attention to their genitals or talks about them.

When I raised this issue in another post, I was assured that straight males display their genitalia in conversational settings in other people's living rooms all the time. I still don't believe it.


Most of the new generation dudes are borderline gay. They're OK with dicks and dick jokes. It's just a matter of time before openly gay acts amongst men are a common thing and no longer taboo...I just hope I'm dead and gone before it comes to that.


I agree with that. Society pushes it on kids and they do not know any better. They celebrate homosexuality, like it is a good thing.


That's probably the stupidest post I've ever read. I'm gay and I, too, feel uncomfortable being naked in front of anyone I'm not in a relationship with; that's how society made us - to be ashamed of our own bodies, so definitely not a gay-thing. On the other hand, your comment itself shows that the only reason you feel this way, is because you are afraid of being perceived as a homosexual and your homo-panic kicks in, which really translates to being severely sexually insecure. Deny it all you want - I've been there and back.


Another post about this. Dude what's the insecurity for? I've peed in front of my friends, changed in front of my friend. Hell we even comment on one of my friends dick who is huge.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one... Hell idon't even use urinals in public, stalls for me!




It's sad I don't like my bits hanging out in front of other men?

My Music-youtube channel:


You must have small "bits" if you're that embarrassed man. We all know the kid in the corner who changes under his towel...


If I needed some advice on my penis, I would show it to a male. It's just a piece of anatomy. You know what it's for. I'm guessing you think your friends are going to compare? Well, let them. The results are meaningless.



Man is a military animal, glories in gunpowder, and loves parade.


Never did that, but this movie is totally for guys, I can say that right now.

Whats my favourite episode of Breaking Bad you ask?
The one where Jesse says Bitch.


Definitely not ok... it's pretty gay.

What you should keep in mind before asking this question, is that most hollywood and similar sh*t is pushing out this opinion that "being gay" is "normal". I'm not going to get into details of why is that though... don't want to start any arguments with some internet warriors.
