MovieChat Forums > Bad Santa 2 (2016) Discussion > Take The Bubble Wrap Off Yourselves...

Take The Bubble Wrap Off Yourselves...

I laughed heartily and I laughed frequently. It's crass, abrasive, offensive, un-PC and disgusting, but dear lord I almost coughed up a damn lung from laughing so hard in the cinema. I also had a few brewskies whilst watching it.

This world is too damn PC. What did people expect from a movie called BAD Santa 2? I swear, if the first film was released today, people would whinge about it being offensive and critics would rip it apart.

You pansies can enjoy whatever generic committee-designed pap is popular at the moment, I'm gonna round up some buddies and get drunk and go see it a few more times.


My only fear is that they tried too hard to outdo the original in terms of crass and offensiveness to the point that it just becomes forced and embarrassing, and I see a lot of people mentioning just that.

What would you say about that?


What, praytell, does political correctness have to do with anal sex, alcoholism, or stealing from charities/malls during the holidays? Are children today really using that term as a synonoym for "offensiveness"? That's not what it means. What's the matter with "offensiveness?" F@cking Thurman. Did I have to type f@cking like this because IMDb is being "too damn PC"??? Do you understand how f@cking stupid it sounds now?

Et ses mains ourdiraient les entrailles du prêtre
Au défaut d'un cordon pour étrangler les rois


Are you okay there, chump? Sounds like you're having a stroke.


I LOVE some un PC humor. This was lazy writing. Not the same.


No matter how much the OP sugars the pill.

This is as funny as a dose of the clap.

It's that man again!!


Yeah, I laughed often. It tried to be a little more offensive than last time but it's funny.
