So let me get this straight.........
The earth is scorched and there is a virus and they have an antidote already.
The earth's economy and resources are on its knees and the main threat is the virus and the environment. So they spend millions if not billions of $ creating this massive marvel of a construction a moving maze and within the maze a place that is not effected by the environment. And some Scorpion like bio-mechanical creatures.
There are people immune to this virus.
They placed 2 of those in the Glade with wiped memories, to either build a home and stay forever or run around a maze where they could die losing all information on why their bodies reject the virus.
So instead of collecting blood samples and studying the people that are immune, put them in a high risk situation of figuring out a large puzzle which could take years to solve and could lose the 2 people that are actually immune.
And this would help figuring out why a body rejects a virus?
Even after all this they have an antidote but wont mass produce it?
I know something was muttered about studying the brain in high pressure situations but still, its very very silly isn't it.
These YA films and their dystopia futures that are feather light and crumble at the slightest bit of questioning and scrutiny.
And this is what kids today have to look back on in their adult years, light and fluffy low rent sci fi films that will look like a TV movie in 20 years.
If you want to see fully realised and fleshed out worlds check out how films like these do it, thx 1138, Soylent Green, Westworld, Blade Runner, Brazil, Metropolis, Children of Men, Gattacca, Logans Run, ClockWork Orange, Battle Royale, V for Vendetta, Equilibrium, Robocop etc etc
But kids these days wont be interested unless its new, within the last 3-4 years, have a teenagers in starring roles, these teenagers are good looking and there is or could be a love triangle.