It is a mixed bag. Probably it's the most ambitious TV series ever attempted in Spain and certainly it hooks you despite some obvious flaws (some too obvious as the lack of shortage of several product placements), the horrid acting by some of the young actors (the veterans and Massagué range from good to excellent, thought, a nice compensation) and too many borrowings of Lost's structure.
However, I take this one over Lost any day. Why? First, each episode feels like an own movie on its own, with a well structured screenplay that builds up tension progressively... adding just the right bit of new information to keep the series growing and not feeling 100% repetitive - even in its core the structure is: problem subtlely appears, grows up, puts them all in danger and one of the most important characters appears with the right answer of how to save themselves (most of the time, "Burbuja").
Sometimes you wonder about how they can't see the obvious (there's a submarine around, even if we haven't spotted it yet) but you can forgive the series flaws, 'cause it's an entertaing hour and so on a weekly basis... and the set up is clearly outstanding (even if a rip off of "Waterworld" in the end).