Pretty Boring

Was no one else extremely bored with this movie ? The characters were very simple, there was no character development, I managed to get through 40 minutes but I was bored out of my mind and I just stopped, I couldn't stand it. The plot just was so simple that I didn't know what to do about it, I expected literally everything within 5 minutes without knowing anything going into the movie.


Yeah this is like a generic crappy NES game. I hate the characters, the way they act and look.


You need to be more specific than just random generic movie complaints. Most people didn't find this film boring and if that's your only complaint then fine, don't watch it. But if you have deeper issues, you need to give a possible discussion more to work with or else you come off as a troll.

If everything is not all rainbows and kittens for you today, hopefully it will be tomorrow!


Sorry your wife and kids left you. Maybe part of the problem was you complain too much about a movie that's pretty decent. Hope you find happiness alone.


No character development? You mean apart from the 3 main good guys going on a journey of discovery and being changed by the end? Yeah, well, apart from that no, not much character development.
