fake moon landing/conspiracy idiots---read this.
share5 simple answers that are all you need.
shareOk firstly anyone who has a user name that ends in lots of numbers, is usually a troll.
Secondly anyone that references an article on AskMen.com, may want to take the Cosmo quiz for idiocy.
Thirdly here are the 5 simple answers you referenced (as in simple minded, feeble of will, ignornant to the truth and so forth)
5. The Soviet Union Did Not Dispute It
4. The Number of Photographs
3. Rock Samples Are Universally Acknowledged As Being Non-Terrestrial
2. No One on the Inside Disputed It
1. It Happened Again…And Again…And Again
Ok Russia disputes the achievement? Expected or unexpected? They don't dispute it? Same thing, it doesn't matter either way does it? It looks like sour grapes to dispute it. Also you don't know what was going on in the background. Mind you almost every 1st in the space race was achieved by the U.S.S.R. not NASA. The only first for NASA was that they showed a man walking on the moon. The money for this race was costing both nations a lot of money. The only reason for the existence of the race, in terms of a deadline, was because JFK went on TV and mouthed off about this rediculous goal, to show that the USA was superior to the U.S.S.R. in response to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Russia knew it couldn't be acheived and so did the USA. They came up with a plan, to SHOW A MAN WALKING ON THE MOON BY THE END OF THAT DECADE.
Lot's of photographs. Yeah well um, see that's the thing, if they say we went because we have photographs and film, then that's kind of backwards. If you go somewhere you could take photographs and film. However if I send you a post card from somewhere, that's clearly not evidence that I ever went there!
Rock samples can be collected without men going on the moon. We can collect samples with probes. The rocks themselves show an amazing consistency with that of plaster of Paris. Very few real samples (none?) have ever been given out to labs for close scrutiny.
No-one from NASA disputed it? People in the program spoke out about the fact they'd never landed the LEM sucessfully on Earth, not even one time, and this was mid 1969. The only successful landings were shown to have happened on the Moon, a 100% success rate!
People had very little interest in the Apollo program after the first one. Like today nobody really cares less if a space shuttle launches. It's just a footnote on the news.
Many Russian's were then, and are now, still skeptical of the moon landings.
The photo's and film footage of the moon landings were not taken on the moon. They were shot on a sound stage under the direction of Stanley Kubrick.
Why don't we just go now? Apparently it's too hard to do it nowadays. If only we had the advanced technology we had in 1969. Oh well.
Myself and many others are not "conspiracy idiots". You using that term shows your closed mindedness towards the reality of the "faked moon landings". Who cares what you think anyway? Why did you post this on this movies' page? Because you're a pathetic little troll with no ability to think for yourself or to fix your broken life. You think it's amusing to post nonsense like you have to try and stir up trouble. Did you notice that NOBODY replied to your obvious troll post? You had to bump it twice, and still no reply.
I chose to reply because some people might be misguided by your nonsense and agressive behaviour, and bullied into not thinking for themselves. I grew up with the knowledge we walked on the moon. I was born a month before it happened. My parents held me up to the TV to see it. I still have a newspaper from the day they walked on the moon. I was never a conspiracy "nut" or anything like that. I graduated from University. I'm able to look at things and dig through the BS. It's a sad day when you realise it just didn't happen.
Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
you try to come across as some intelligent,smart professor when you sadly appear to be the typical American "Comic Book Guy" when you are probably some 16 year old kid.....your responses are too tiresome/hilarious to even bother responding to but FYI....the moon rock samples examined here on earth prove that they are of non terrestrial origin and to think/believe that Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landings on a sound stage just proves what a muppet you are....i bet you think the planes on 9/11 were holograms as well ?........what an idiot.
shareYou using that term shows your closed mindedness towards the reality of the "faked moon landings".Interesting.
Rock samples can be collected without men going on the moon. We can collect samples with probes.And where is your evidence that suggests the USA used unmanned probes to return the 370 odd kilograms of moon rock? Considering the Russians had a very successful number of missions that returned lunar samples, I suppose it's possible. After all, they brought back a shade over 325... grams.
People in the program spoke out about the fact they'd never landed the LEM sucessfully on Earth, not even one time, and this was mid 1969. The only successful landings were shown to have happened on the Moon, a 100% success rate!I suppose they should have used that movie studio to test the LM landing. Apart from the fact the machine was built to exclusively fly in space and land on the moon, I can't see a major problem with your observation.
I graduated from University.money well spent, there. share
And you're serious about the 'oh, bugger, it's too hard to go to the moon, if only we the advanced technology we had in 1969' C'mon tell me... what's your degree in?
The only thing stopping a return to the moon is the money and the political will to spend it on a dedicated program like Apollo. Of course it will be starting from scratch and it will take a sh*tload of money. Considering NASA's piece of the American budget is less than 1% and they were spending somewhere around 4% in the mid 1960's... it ain't gonna happen. But feel free to continue using this as evidence supporting these wack-job ideas.
Good ol' Bart Sibrel... what a guy! Just needs to work on his defence a little more.
I am an unreasonable sort of person. I fervently hope that Bart Sibrel is taken ill by a particularly aggressive cancer that leaves him writhing in the utmost of agony.
It is truly a shame that Buzz Lightyear was an old and somewhat reasonable man when Bart ambushed him. Had it been myself I would have gutted Sibrel from testes to throat. Fat annoying types who parasite on the backs of others, tsk, tsk.
I am an unreasonable sort of person. I fervently hope that Bart Sibrel is taken ill by a particularly aggressive cancer that leaves him writhing in the utmost of agony.You're entitled. I have no idea what Sibrel is doing these days... driving taxis? If only he wasn't such a barefaced liar regarding the greatest engineering feats of the 20th century...
It is truly a shame that Buzz (Aldrin) was an old and somewhat reasonable man when Bart ambushed him.So, the right cross wasn't enough? Yeah, fair call. share
Seriously, stop using apostrophe-s to indicate a plurality; I might trust you more if you didn't write like a ten year old. That has to be one of the most irritating and senseless errors out there.