MovieChat Forums > Apollo 18 (2011) Discussion > how creative a 'found footage' movie

how creative a 'found footage' movie

its like they are creating a whole new genre, ive never heard of any movie like this


Seriously, I don't understand what people have against found footage. If you don't like it, that's fine, don't watch it. But found footage is a narrative style that's here to stay (that individual directors can choose to either use or not), not a "gimmick" that's overstayed its welcome and is bound to disappear any day now.

Since the dawn of human civilization, the conceit of realism in fiction (which increases the audience's investment in the story, and is especially effective in horror - as campfire ghost stories can attest to) has been limited by the fact that a person has to survive their ordeal in order to come back and tell their story.

But with the invention of digital recording equipment in the twentieth century came the possibility of telling a story with more realism than your typical third person omniscient perspective is capable of doing, where the ordeal is so harrowing that even the storyteller doesn't make it back alive.

And there you have it: found footage. You don't have to like it, but it's a valid storytelling device, and not a gimmick that's only going to be used once and then forgotten as it fades into obscurity. So you might as well get used to it.


It's been a round for a very long time. Orson Welles did it back in 1938. Very effectively.


The Blair Witch Project 1999


Are you seriously suggesting that there should only ever be one movie in any particular category? The first found-footage movie having been released, no other such movie could ever be worth producing? There's also more than one romantic comedy and more than one action movie so subsequent releases will also be unoriginal in that respect. Please think your dumb ideas through to their conclusion before wasting space on IMDB servers. I imagine people you know in real life would appreciate you doing that before opening your mouth too.
