MovieChat Forums > Apollo 18 (2011) Discussion > What do you think the Aliens should've l...

What do you think the Aliens should've looked like?

Personally, I loved the look of the ones they used. They looked reallistic. They looked like life would on the moon. It had never been done before as well, which made it more interesting.

But I think that they could've been a bit more inventive. How about some slender humanoid figure?


I thought these were perfect for what they needed to be there on the moon. I am SOOO TIRED of typical humnoid looking aliens.... what is wrong with finding life that DOESN'T look at all humanoid? we need more intelligent slimes, or glowing bubbles or 3 legged warriors or gaseous creatures... more creative vision.
Humanoid is SO typical and boring now.


Yeah, I know. But still, whilst the creatures there looked believable, (both design and creative wise) there was a great opportunity for the filmakers to really create something. They didn't, but I'm happy with the ones they used.


Looking back I think the biggest problem with the alien design is that they have perfect camouflage and can hide their legs. A mechanism like that must be "expensive" both in terms of energy and for natural selection. What drove them to camouflage? Do they hunt each other? It seems unlikely that they would evolve such a camouflage.

Other than that I'd have liked it if they looked a bit less like spiders.

But still liked the design. At least not over the top.


Your observation is relevant, but I think the big one dwarves it: what do they feed off? There seems to be no other creature than them, who creates the foods, how is energy obtained, where is the rest of their ecosystem?


what do they feed off?

Well obvious they evolved lurking and eating unsuspecting visiting aliens! ;)


They're lazy so the make the costumes to fit the actors bi-pedal bodies. It's either that or you can look at some CGI aliens, take your pick.

Boy Wonder 9/10
Seeking Justice 6/10
The Hole 6/10
Control 7/10
Drive 7/10


Considering how the aliens were able to get into the guys head I would've liked something that seemed infectious. Take the babies from the Alien movie, throw a turtle like shell with a texture of moon rocks over it, and give the sucker spiky tentacles or something.

If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen turn off the stove


I think it would have been more interesting if you never saw any aliens. Imagine if the one astronaut freaked out and thought something was in his helmit, and then the rest of the movie was about him going crazy and trying to kill the other guy. It could be just a big mystery if there was some alien infuence going on or if he was just crazy.


Harder to get any startle effects with an invisible "monsters of the ID" type of plot device, but makes an interesting idea.



People already thought this movie was boring (I did not, was on the edge of my seat.), this would have made it worse.

It could be God, the Devil, Buddha, an Alien...or it could be a kid playing a video game. - onn1320


That would have been more believable. On a world with no atmosphere, no liquid water and no magnetic field to shield from cosmic radiation, I think it's a pretty safe bet that you're not going to find any critters crawling around.


On a world with no atmosphere, no liquid water and no magnetic field to shield from cosmic radiation, I think it's a pretty safe bet that you're not going to find any critters crawling around.

But they're aliens? Don't you think it's plausible that ALIENS don't need the same conditions as humans to survive? Maybe the ALIEN creatures can survive radiation and lack of water.


There are life forms here on Earth that are highly resistant to radiation, so perhaps that's plausible, but no matter where you go in the universe, carbon based life (the only kind we know exists) will have certain requirements - fuel (food) and a catalyst to burn that fuel. The catalyst doesn't necessarily have to be oxygen, perhaps, but one is still required, and the moon, having little or no atmosphere, can't supply it. Silicon based life is possible in theory, but it would be more like living rock than like any life form we're familiar with, and almost certainly wouldn't be mobile or sentient. We probably wouldn't even recognize it as life. If silicon based life existed on the moon, it would be no threat to astronauts.


No way of knowing what silicon-based life would look like. Earth is carbon based with an oxygen atmo--but I've heard that technically oxygen is actually poisonous and highly combustible....(not to us of course).

Plus those spider-ey type things were rockish in appearance before they morphed into spiderey things.

Arguing over whether or not extra-terrestrial life is possible and what form it might be is a perfectly valid topic of discussion. Arguing, however, that only earth is capable of supporting life, and further, claiming that no life form could survive on the moon is a bit far fetched.

"It would take 2 days to fly to Mars in a 57 Chevy"--see? say anything with conviction and it half sounds true :D

I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.


So who said life is only possible on Earth?


Which is why they lived in shadow. There is also ice on the moon.


I think it would have been more interesting if you never saw any aliens.


"I'm not used to being out in months that don't begin with 'O'."
-The Ringmaster, Dark Harbor


I would have wanted to see the aliens that made those tracks and took that flag


I would have preferred not seeing them at all... it would have been a lot more effective.



I think the look of them makes this especially terrifying for someone with me, lol.

I remember first seeing this movie years ago and I just watched it again last night, but I had forgotten what the creatures looked like or even what happens in this movie. But, I feel the look of them was very unnerving, especially with how they just look like rocks.

The scene when Ben is in the crater and they all just pop up around him. Nope. Also that shot when Nate's helmet is full of those things...just no.


I think it should've gone the failed route and make it seem like a spect of dust that could possess you or go old school and make it look like a 195os alien
