I didn't like Kelso

I mean I liked him as a character..I just didn't like playing as him. Playing as him alone just felt kinda dumbed down after having a partner for most of the game. When I was playing as him I missed having a partner..someone to auto drive if I didn't feel like it,hints for what I'm looking for,etc etc


Kelso was a breath of fresh air. By the that point, the crime scenes had gotten tiresome and the interrogations frustrating. So to switch to someone else that automatically deepened the story (not to mention someone without a partner that constantly doubted you) was a great change.

Also, Kelso's a great character.

Oh boy. How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus?


I had the opposite reaction. Kelso provided an interesting change of perspective and the absence of a partner worked well for his portions of the game as you feel more vulnerable in the action sequences without their help (even though they're not really much help)
I did miss the banter from having a partner though

"I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me..."


I liked the way that Kelso would taunt the bad guys during the shootouts. "I can do this all day" "This is what I do."


See, I liked Kelso but I hated Cole Phelps. Such a tool-- I'm not sure if I've ever been less interested in a main character.

