
finally a movie where the bad guy wins, it seems like for the past decade the bad guy is always losing this was refreshing

Tracy Jordan: I learned fried chicken at the school of hard knocks


Hiya, CasGomez.,

True., if you hold to a very limited definition of 'Bad/Good' ness. 'Ave, finally.. (SWiDT), seen this on DvD, since attending the crowdLine @ London premiere.

Several, characters are shown to make, questionable ethical and legal decisions. All influenced by 'Richard Gere's, Robert Miller, with many receiving what maybe called a 'pass'.

Viewers, who remain til the hugely ironic ending, must however debate for themselves if any (or all), character threads to plot, would receive further interesting follow-up enquiries.

Yes, Richard Gere, attended with Tim Roth, both looked much like they appeared when filming.
