MovieChat Forums > The Theatre Bizarre (2012) Discussion > Any idea what this is about?

Any idea what this is about?


TIA _dest.True


Not a single idea, but the tile is kinda obvious! I think based upon the directors resume, it will be grotesque in ways unimaginable at the time! Kinda looking forward to this one though! :D


It's a (terrible) horror anthology film.

There's no link between any of the segments other than they're supposedly all horror -except that's not even true because "The Accident" was more of a "Tree of Life"-esque art-piece.

Art is a lie that tells the truth.


Just that it's an anthology, but I think Buddy G is awesome and I liked Stanley's Dust Devil, so I'm kinda stoked for this. I'll be catching a screening later this month, so I'm looking forward to it.

"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"


I'm guessing there has to be some sort of link to the now gone Theater Bizzare in downtown Detroit. It was right by the State Fair Grounds, in a backyard of a pretty bleak looking street. It was all set up for one giant party on Halloween each year...but during the other 364 days if you drove by it just looked like a long since abandoned, totally creepy theater venue.

Title/Plot seems eerily familiar. The real Theater Bizzare folk have a documentary coming out this year. I wonder how, if at all, these two are linked?




It's ultimately about eliminating men from the earth. Only man-hating women understand it.
