Incredibly mixed
Watched this with my girl last night. We both enjoyed it for the large part, but felt some of it could have been better. I'll break down my thoughts segment by segment:
1. wraparound story: Awesome. The actors being puppets was a creepy and cool effect. I really liked the guy in the tub cutting his wrist and shooting out red confetti before "I Love You".
2. Mother of Toads: Not the most profound horror short ever, but effective as a twisted creature feature. Overall enjoyable. It was a short that used its time effectively instead of being dragged out to 90 minutes like most creature movies.
3. I Love You: Excellent. This one had good interaction between two dichotomous characters. The girlfriend longed to be free from the obsessive and crazy boyfriend who looked like he also had a drug problem. She even looked dead at several points, like when he was having sex with her. I was guessing up until the end whether she was going to kill him or vice versa. The interaction was with her ghost all along as it prepared to leave.
4. Wet Dreams: This one fell flat. There was just too much that was left unexplained. It spent too much time "being screwed up" for the sake of "being screwed up". We never knew what was real or not. Was the guy an actual cheater/abuser or were these things he was acting out in his mind due to his wife being abusive toward him. There was more room for exploration in this one, but it was not utilized.
5. The Accident: Amazing short film, but completely out of place. A lot of people hate this one, but take it for what it is and remove it from the larger context. If you've ever had to explain death to a child, this will ring true with you.
6. Vision Stains: Well...this one was doomed from the start. The premise is that the junkie misandrist character can view the lives of people she kills by taking a syringe full of their ocular fluid as they die and view their memories by injecting it into her own eye...all well and good...if you have no knowledge of physiology and know that memories are stored in the brain and not in the sense organs (muscle memory being an exception). After that exposition...this one was just kind of downhill. I'm clear that the character had basically been driven insane by what she was doing, but what did she plan to do with all of these women's stories? There were hundreds of them that she had written down, and she just had them sitting there in a nasty sewer or something. How could she be their biographer if she did not ever share the stories with anyone? And then what was that voice talking to her? That part didn't make much sense. Most of it didn't for that matter.
7. Sweets: Once again, this one had room for some good psychological exploration, but fell short and tried to be gross and "disturbing" simply for the sake of being gross and "disturbing". Clearly eating disorders and attachment were the two big themes, but neither was explored very well.
And there we have it...about half good and half bad. Overall, I enjoyed more than I disliked. Your mileage may vary, but that's why we are each free to form our own opinions.