It was crap

how not to make a movie.


I say the same thing about every single movie I have seen in the last 10 years. And don't spoil me please, I haven't seen it.


Why do you keep watching movies if nothing ever pleases you? Do you expect to like this one? What are some movies that you do like?


Because I love films? Cleopatra is my favorite film and I think Vertigo is the greatest and most profound film ever made. And yes, this does look way better than all the crap out there, it features the only talented actor working in films today, Michael Fassbender, the photography doesn't look like absolute shit, and the story seems ok.


I'll remain silent about this movie, then. I agree that Cleopatra is a fine film indeed, spectacular in many respects.

Might be dating myself, but I managed to cross paths once with Mankiewicz and share with him my appreciation of the film. He affectionately called it "my little failure". Just goes to show you how humble some of the greats can be!


That's very interesting. It really is a great movie although it took me 15 years to view it as such, before it was just boring to me. But it is gorgeous, and certainly will not be reproduced again.


You can say that again! Not in a thousand Zack Snyder-directed Lord of the Rings clones will we see a vast multitude of real extras, such lavish production design, and so many stirring performances. If you examine the story closely, I would say it's a strong companion piece to Auntie Mame.

Both are great films in their own way, and they share a common thread (not just in the costuming sense).


Absolutely, and the attention to detail, it's astonishing, truly an art.


Love Fassbender, but saying he's the only talented actor working in films today is a slight exaggeration...


Not at all.


I do love Fassbender, and in my most zealous moments I might agree, but nah...there's a handful keeping him company. Only a handful, though. :D


There's none.


That's hot.


Good tip. I'll watch that Vertigo.


I guess I will not be watching this one then. Thanks for the heads-up.


The director said afterwards that about 10 percent of the script wasn't filmed due to time restrictions. That 10 percent was crucial to understanding the movie.


Thanks, pal. You spared me 1:30 hours that I will now invest in something more productive.


It was good. Not great, but average, 7/10 I'd say. Not too boring, though kinda slow at times. No surprise americans, with low attention spans did not like it since they used to marvel movies and transformers and can not stand serious cinema where you have to watch the screen not eat popcorns.


I am Canadian - the movie was a mess and the director admitted not filming the entire script.


You are like slower version of american so my argument stands


No need to be a high-and-mighty cunt.

They were just rightfully pointing out that the movie was missing approximately 10% of the story and because of that, the film was an incoherent mess.

Also, I'm normally never a grammar Nazi, but I'm of the opinion that if you are going to call someone slow, you should be able to keep up yourself.


Pretty shocked at how bad it was, considering the lineup.


Sure was, I saw this in theatres coz I only had to pay 6 bucks for a ticket, but I knew full well that it was going to be shit after all the bad press it received, but because I like watching movie train wrecks I'd give it a shot. I was kinda hoping it would be so bad it's good in vain of The Happening or Dreamcatcher, but it was just so bad it was boring.When it was over everyone in the theatre pretty much got up as soon as the credits started, it's like they could they wait until it was over lol.


So if you like watching movie train wrecks then this was right up your ally and you were happy and satisfied! That's great!


Actually now that I think of it, you're right haha. It was still a train wreck but a very unmemorable one, I don't think anyone will be oft quoting The Snowman in 10 years time with a cheesy line or instance like you can with The Happening today. There's just not much material to work with lol.


Well I am glad you liked this movie so much. You are right. There are movies i see as well just for the sake of seeing how big the train wreck is going to be. Sometimes you discover a hidden gem and sometimes you wish you had your 50 bucks back


Excellent choice on The Happening, it's probably my favorite bad movie, so damned funny.

If you're not familiar with it, I also recommend The Wraith, an 80's movie with Charlie Sheen.


Yeah, I can't imagine anyone genuinely liking this movie, only appreciating its shitness in 10 years time when it may/may not achieve cult status. I tend to think not because even for a bad movie, there's just nothing good to latch onto. I'd be very surprised if someone takes it upon themselves to call this a misunderstood masterpiece in 10 -15 years time.


Wow, sorry to hear that it was crap.




I thought it was just ok, very average with a good last 15 minutes or so.
