Does this make any other girls wish they'd 'experimented' more?
Watching movies like this makes high-school and college seem like this big liberal *beep* Somehow I didn't get that impression during my real-life experiences at school and university (in the UK).
I did know at least one girl who had sex with 10 people in the first 4/5 months at university, but equally I knew many girls who were virgins all throughout university (and these were attractive girls who frequently went clubbing and/or made out with guys). A lot of girls would just have foreplay and go no further (...or at least they claimed). My university was very prestigious and difficult to get into, so this may have something to do with the type of girls who attended it. But the general feeling was that being hot & unobtainable was sexier than being the campus bike.
Throughout high-school and college, I was always acutely aware that being sexual as a girl came with more judgement (vs. a boy). Obviously I knew some girls did sleep around, but it was something you wouldn't really talk about. The general perception was that girls who slept around were either the dumb, desperate, plain girls (80%) or the really hot sluts who would always bag a Brad Pitt lookalike which made it okay (20%). Given I wasn't sure where I fit on this scale, abstaining was always more appealing.
But having finished university last year, I'm thinking that perhaps I was too uptight and prudish? Maybe I should have sexually experimented more? I think my experience (or lack thereof) had a lot to do with the group of girls I was friends with. They were very high-maintenance and judgmental of any girls who slept around (unless it was a rare "mistake" that you could chat to your girlfriends about for the next 2 years). An average night out would be getting all dolled up for clubbing just to stand around looking hot, perhaps grinding or making out (kissing) with a guy, but definitely not sleeping with him.
Will I regret not being more carefree? Or is it a good thing that I came out of university with my dignity fully intact?