My take on this show
I have been binge watching this on Netflix over the past couple of weeks. Switched at Birth stories are interesting yet are rare. I have read some that had happy endings while others not so much. I would think it would be confusing to find out that your parents are not the ones who have birth to you. The one who did has the other child. It could feel like a crisis of identity or something......I also read on Kindle the book Kathryn wrote. Wofford College is in my hometown and found that a bit interesting.
The characters and circumstances on this show are interesting. You have a famous baseball player who has the perfect picture. The wife, two kids (one son and one daughter), a nice home, school etc. Life has been pretty good to them and they do not have the average struggle of finances and other concerns. They are charitable, hospitable and pretty much keep up with the Jones so to speak. Then, in the next family you have a single mother living in a dangerous neighborhood with her mother and deaf daughter. Her man walked out on her because he thought she had an affair as their daughter did not look like either of them. Mom has demons of her own such as alcoholism. In family one the mom is upbeat, cheerful and is kind-hearted. In family two you have a mom who is suspicious of most things or people she does not know. She has seen how ugly life gets and holds on to what she has....even if that is her daughter. A daughter she did not give birth to.
I cannot stand Johns dad. What a pompus prick. I can understand why John fought NOT to be like him. Dealing with people like him is toxic and they were wise to keep the kids away from him. I cannot stand Kathryn's mom either. The way she treated Bay after they learned of the switch was horrible. You cannot trade kids for kids. Who cares how they came into the world. They are here and that was what everyone wanted. To have a child in their lives. However, I LOVE Regina's mom. She is very wise and everyone would do well to listen to her and follow her example. She is not out to hurt anyone. She sees a potentially dangerous situation and tries to prevent bad things from happening like turning Angelo in to Immigration. She knew what he was capable of and how he affected her daughter and grand-daughter.
John and Kathryn have been very hospitable to Regina and her family. Yes, they can be overbearing (John especially). However, I do not know how I would feel or act if I found out the daughter I raised for 16 years was not mine. John is a very type A personality. He does work hard though and has been gracious to not only the Vasquez family but to their friends as well. Like Hiring Travis to work for him when he was in dire straights. Kathryn is the epitome of Betty Crocker. She is a stay at home mom who supports John and also is there for the kids. I find her to a little thin skinned but does not make her bad. Everyone is wired differently.
Regina and Angelo are not stupid but make a lot of bad decisions. Angelo giving Daphne a food truck? Who give a 16 year old something like that? At the same time, this could well be because neither really had opportunities the Kennishes have had. When something does go well I think they do not know how to always handle it. I hate that Angelo passed as Daphne was able to form a bond with him and Bay was able to know him the short time she did.
I like how the show does not view the deaf culture as people who cannot do anything in life. I like how despite their deafness they are able to function in the real world. Plus, its nice to see how the two families came together and brought these two worlds together. People with any disability or handicap can do things and well. Its a matter of not holding them back and allowing them to try.
I know it seems as if Daphne is the one everyone cared about and not Bay. However, despite what it looks like it may not be the case. When the Kennishes learned of Daphne they did get excited and hover. That is just how they are as a family. They were excited to learn of her. They embrace people around them. As for Regina, as I mentioned earlier, she will hold on to what is hers to the death. These moms may have had the wrong children but they both bonded with these wrong children. Regina did not come for Bay when she learned of the switch because she feared losing both girls due to poverty and alcoholism. Her relationship with Angelo was already hanging by a thread and her mom was not in her life then. Plus, she did not want to upset Bays life. Even though they were only three, they were forming personalities and identities of their own. It can be traumatic to take that away from them. Regina cared for Bay more than anyone realized. She is not an excitable, hovering and eager like the Kennishes are. The Kennishes are extraverted go getters. Regina is more introverted and to herself. She is a more laid back type of person. Again, Regina makes bad decisions and tends to live on the edge when the opportunity comes. I remember Kathryn made the comment that she hardly knew Daphne but felt closer to Bay. Well yeah, Bay was the child she bonded with. Regina bonded with Daphne and appeared to favor Daphne. I do not see it as favoritism but as her personality. As an introvert myself, it takes me a while to warm up to someone. Even if it is family. I have to say in this case of not mentioning the switch, I have an idea of why Regina did what she did. However, when these two families became one, I like how they learned from each other. Regina stopped dissing Mission Hills. Kathryn and John realized that not everyone was as fortunate as they were when it came to life. I saw both go into East Riverside at different times. It gave them another view of how some are not as fortunate.
I like how they showed the genetic part of this. Daphne inheriting interest in sports, cooking and of course looking like them. Then Bay and her art and creativity that she got from Regina. Yet the enviornmental side. If Daphne had grown up with her biological parents, I fear she would have grown into an ungrateful brat. Bay is not perfect but I see where she frowns on some of this stuff. I remember in a couple of episodes where Bay and Daphne did move in with their biological parents. It did not feel right to me and I could tell it did not feel right to the girls. Kathryn pushing Daphne in tennis. Daphne learned to enjoy sports and not get uptight about them. I think Bay faired better but I know when she went back to J and K she felt more at home. It shows both genetics and enviornment are both important when we grow up.
Anyhoots, this is long. If you read this far I commend you! Its a good show and has gone places no other show has gone before. I hate that it will be over after the fifth season. I do hope Netflix will keep it on their line up. Have a good day. :)