Season 5 to be the last.

Just been announced that the upcoming season 5 will be the last.


Bet they finished the promisses and sorry's and hey i meet you once and iam in love persons.
Also you have to believe me's are at the end.
I watched all 5 seasons in a few days and dont like daphne at all she had no heart and very selfisch.


All 5 seasons? Season 5 hasn't aired yet.


I don't want any "Hey, I met you once, and I am in love."

I hope the writers do not give us that.

And I especially do NOT want any promises, apologies, and "You have to believe me," at the end of this series. We've had so much of that from the very beginning. All of the words are empty and hollow. It's a bunch of shallow platitudes, and it is a total cliche.

The writers better give us more than that, because the writers already singlehandedly destroyed my belief in that. If that's all the writers give viewers, it sure will make for one lame TV series in the end.

All of the characters can take their apologies and promises and stuff them.

I want to see something more.
