Yeah, I don't care enough about the character of Travis to follow him through some accident or watch him wheelchair bound.
Travis is such an incredibly blah character. He's boring.
I don't like how Travis is angry all of the time. I don't like how he is saccharine sweet to Bay and innocent and shy with Mary Beth. None of it seems sincere, and his character has no charisma.
"Switched at Birth" has been such an incredible disappointment after Season 1B. I don't know what happened behind the scenes at the start of Season 1C, but whatever it was, it destroyed the TV series.
I liked moments of Season 2, for instance Melody's Deaf Gain speech in "Human/Need/Desire" and the Deaf rap in "Uprising." Season 3 had a couple of good moments, too. Bay & Emmett's love making under the stars is beautiful, and the scenes between Emmett and his mother are poignant, in "Oh, Future," after he learns his father will be having another son. For Season 4, Bay's hallucinations in "To Repel Ghosts" are fascinating, and I connected with Emmett's character, during his difficulty acclimating himself to LA.
But overall, the writers have made decisions that alienate the audience and cause fans to experience a disconnection with most of the characters.
Since the moment Bay walked away from Emmett, after he confessed what happened with Simone, I feel as though I have been waiting for the writers to tell the story that needs to be told. I've been waiting for close to five years now, and nothing is happening. Viewers receive meaningless stories with meaningless guest stars, while the real stories between members of the core cast go untold.
Does anyone really want to see Toby get married twice? Or have a baby? Is he the character for whom fans were burning to see that story unfold?
Hell, no! No one cares about Toby and Lily or their baby. No one wanted to see Toby make John and Kathryn Kennish become grandparents. If the writers had chosen Bay or Daphne for that story, then Regina would be involved, too. She would become a grandparent, too. Either Bay or Daphne would be infinitely more interesting for a million different reasons.
Toby? Who cares?
And does anyone really want to see Regina date a younger man? I'm so sick of her love life. I don't care anymore! If you are going to bring a new guest star on who is young and handsome, then at least pair him with Bay. Why does Bay get stuck with Travis, when she should be with someone who has amazing charisma?
All three of the remaining parents lost their appeal the moment the girls graduated high school. They should fade into the background now, to let the girls take center stage.
The writers should have made Bay the only hearing girl Emmett would ever date. If he was going to date someone else, then it should have been someone Deaf. At least, that would be an interesting story. The Skye connection is not compelling at all.
If Bay is going to date someone else, then does he have to be Deaf? I liked it when Emmett was special, too. I liked the idea of Emmett being the only Deaf person Bay dated. It was a special bond between them. Now, Bay has slept with Garrett and is poised to jump into bed with Travis when the show returns. How realistic is it that Bay would sleep with three Deaf men, when she has only (willingly) slept with four guys in her entire life?
I am basing this on the notions that it is Travis' season, and that the actor who plays Travis does 'the best acting of his career' and the China teaser.
Someone calls Bay (probably a parent) to tell her Travis has been in an accident.
Then, Travis ends up wheelchair bound.
Just because the show has built up his possible baseball career, and relationship with Bay,m only to have all that questioned, I think is a very 'Switched at Birth' thing to do. Travis would have the arc of the season, going through depression all the way to acceptance, perhaps ending up on the USA wheelchair baseball team or something. It would give the actor ample opportunity to do 'the best acting of his career' and would apply to the theme of disability and what it means on the show.
It's a good theory, but I have seen behind-the-scenes pictures of Travis on his feet playing baseball right up until the end of the series.
It appears Travis's big story will revolve around his relationship with Bay, his relationship with his hearing family (and perhaps some unresolved emotions over his sexual assault by an older man), and his illiteracy and struggle in college.
We are going to see nonstop Travis in every single episode after the season opener. He is going to be the primary focus of the series this season. We'll touch upon Toby and Lily and their baby with Down syndrome, but that's pretty much it. "Switched at Birth" appears poised to become the Travis show.
The actor who plays Travis has a stunt double for three separate episodes this season. The actor who plays Emmett doesn't have one at all. I think Emmett will only be in a handful of episodes this season, but Travis will be in all of them, after the opener.
The actor who plays Toby (Lucas Grabeel) posted a comment on Instagram that by the final episode, the character of Travis ends up being his favorite character of the whole series. The actor who plays Travis's mother and different people on the crew posted that the actor who plays Travis had done the best acting of his career and made them cry. From behind the scenes pictures, his role is huge and heartfelt in the series finale. He has scenes with both Kathryn and John.
Some people ship Travis and Bay. They'll probably be happy this season. Personally, I don't like them together as a romantic couple. I don't like Travis, period. I wish I did, since he appears to be so important here at the end.