He's on our nose....

The bandit fires at them head on...

Why do Mav and Rooster spend the last of their flares to defend against that missile? It seems to me that was a mistake on their part. Using any flares in that situation would be unnecessary and a waste of their last flares.


I dunno, it seemed to work.

They fired the flares and pulled up. Instead of course-correcting to hit them head-on, the missile went right for the flares.


The way I saw it, they fired the flares as they dodged-flipped the oncoming missile.

The flares got the missile as they had already successfully dodged. Just seemed redundant and unnecessary in hindsight...

But I can chalk it up to a error on the characters in the heat of battle, not the production and writing.


If the bandit would fire at them, he would be hostile, not bandit. Bandit is enemy aircraft that is not currently engaging.


Thanks for the correction and excuse my ignorance to the jargon..

...but my point still stands.
