
The tomahawk strike on the runway signals the enemy awareness to the situation, and also alerts any bandits to redirect to defend the target....

The reason the team sets their timers is so they can get to the target before the enemy aircraft can reach them....

...So couldn't they have timed the tomahawk strike tighter? The approximate time from launch to target would be easy to calculate, no? Could they have even waited until they strike the target to land the tomahawks?


Yeah, I think they did them a bit early myself. But it looked good in the movie though when they were flying over the planes.


Yeah, they were just using movie timing to make it more dramatic. Great scene, nonetheless.



Not much reason they couldn't have timed the runway strikes to coincide with the first bombing run.

They were supposed to be undetected during the entire "trench run" after all

Yup, can't think of a single reason -- I'll watch it again sometime, maybe there's a line early on


Never really thought about it like that, but this seems to be true. Successfully hit the first bombing target and then take out the runway simultaneously. Timing was definitely off, maybe something I missed will be more obvious if I rewatch again.
