Needs to stop with the plastic surgery. It was REALLY hard to watch her in this.
It was laughable that they tried to pass her off that much younger in the flashbacks and they obviously stayed away from close-ups because of how bad her face is looking. The scene where she is at the bar with the guy and he is asking why she is still married and she is asking why he isn't...her face is leaning, pulled back! It's like she had too many face fillers and a bad face lift that pulls too much to one side.
I can't take watching her on screen anymore. She is a beautiful woman, but, I'd rather see her age gracefully than watch what she's done to herself.
Christ! Seriously? Please do stop watching her before you faint away! We wouldn't want you to suffer! ...and, what about her hair color? Surely you wanted to see her natural gray show out too!
She put in a fine acting performance. ...and regardless what anyone else 'prefers', she is a working Hollywood actress whose physical appearance can make the difference between whether or not she gets offered a next role and how much money she will make for the role. If she likes regular work, I can't blame her for anything she does to stay employed/employable.
On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again.
Ha! Oh! Stop all the bullshyte! You already admitted she is a beautiful woman! ( btw: Tell me! ...which side of her face is the one "pulled too tight"? huh? )
On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again.
HER right. When she's got the short hair and she's leaning, you can see it.
Ha! You're insane! In the last bar scene with Chiwetel Ejiofor? Preposterous!
I can imagine that this sort of nonsense is why girls get quite neurotic about their looks at even a young age: hearing women throwing shade on each other...over NOTHING!
She may not be the young filly she once was...I don't think I've seen any other movies of hers...but, for her age, there's nothing wrong with her face!
On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again.
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Go spend the rest of your life rescuing the people who don't need it and seeking justice for people who haven't been wronged.
I shall!
Yeahhhhhh...I'm gonna call this throwing shade. Definitely. Buuuut in case I am wrong let's try the fairness test. How would you like the following said about you? I mean, would you feel "respected"?:
It was REALLY hard to watch her in this.
how bad her face is looking.
I can't take watching her on screen anymore.
[She] look[s] like [she] can audition for "Rocky"!
She was a beautiful woman. She needs to stop ruining her face
I mean if you are just joking around, then who cares?
...but, of course, I repeat my assertion that: this sort of nonsense is why girls get quite neurotic about their looks at even a young age: hearing women throwing shade on each other...over NOTHING (relatively speaking. I mean, keeping in mind how old she is and the fact that she's competing with actresses half her age).
I could detect nothing amiss with her face in that scene in the bar with Ray. She had a great face, body and demeanor throughout this movie. For you to say that her looks are so bad, to the point where you can't even watch her excellent on-screen performances says more about you than it does her...doesn't it?
On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again.
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Darling, go back to eating Cheetos and watching Star Trek in your mama's basement.
Ha! Okay, Babe! I will!
Ya know, I don't know why Cheetos are so frowned upon. I mean, I don't eat them myself but at least they are not as bad as eating something that is as sugary as a bag of Oreos or something.
Anyhow, I don't see what's so controversial about this: this sort of nonsense is why girls get quite neurotic about their looks at even a young age: hearing women throw shade on each other...over NOTHING (relatively speaking)
Further more, I wasn't being rhetorical when I asked this question. I mean I really would love answer...even if it the answer is, "I'm just fine, I just am very critical of any facial reconstructions/shaping": She had a great face, body and demeanor throughout this movie. For you to say that her looks are so bad, to the point where you can't even watch her excellent on-screen performances says more about you than it does her...doesn't it?
As always, Peace!
On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again.
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i thought she looked OK but her changing accent mixed me up a bit.
Ha! Yeah!...I thought she looked okay too.
...but can you tell me where or at what point her accent changed-up? I mean, having watched this a few times, I can't find any point where her voice is noticeably different.
On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again.
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