When they try to go out of their comfort zone, the show is a trainwreck
Caught the show today (haven't watched it for more than five minutes since they were dealing with the Moonves fallout in September), and watched their 'hot topics' segment. When the move away from their comfort zone - celebrity fluff - and try to deal with 'serious' issues, the conversation becomes a trainwreck.
For example, the topic about the Christian school who expelled the two kids because they believed the mother was committing 'adultery'. They turn to Wayne Brady, Sheryl Underwood and Carrie Inaba to explain the legalities and complexities of it? The other two were silent through the whole conversation (granted, it's Monday morning - Osbourne must've been hung over from the weekend).
It quickly became a trainwreck of a conversation with no focus on such an important matter, as no one had anything substantial or legally correct to say.
They did no better with the 'dish network tech' who hugged a customer. Another complex legal matter which they turned to Brady's words of wisdom to guide them, as he referred to the advice of his 16 year old daughter. Clever.
Maybe they should have brought in a legal expert from the network to guide them on such topics and save themselves from looking like fools?
Or better yet, they need to leave the intelligent, thought provoking topics to other shows who can handle it. They need to stick to the Kardashian's lip gloss and Meghan Markle's lingerie. That's more their speed.