MovieChat Forums > The Talk (2010) Discussion > Show has a new table

Show has a new table

It's not bad.... but it's not great. Show used to have a big old gorgeous wooden table that conveyed the sense of a bunch of women sitting around the dining room table chatting. It was homey. It was kind of the whole thing. The new table is this futuristic affair of glass and lights and it's certainly very attractive. But feels a great deal more: generic talk show. Like they're gonna use that same set to shoot a sports show and then a doctor show after. Just change the title graphics on the lcd display of the table.


I think homey and comfortable was better. Oh well.


Daily Blast Live comes on after this. Almost the exact same desk.


The old table was too big for my taste. The new one is ok but far from generic. They should do away with table interviews. Not only has it been copied by other shows, it's just tired.

Carrie Ann wasn't my first choice but she seems likable enough (minus that laugh) and gets along with the others so I'm fine with her. There are too many ignorant ass holes on television these days anyway.


She has a slight lisp when she talks. Never picked up on it before. She'd have been a terrible moderator but for colorful commentary she fits just fine.


"The View" has had this 'high tech table' for the past few seasons. The reason was explained (by a forum user familiar with set design back then) that this 'under' lighting in the table softens their appearance from below, which makes them look much younger than without these lights. (The lighting hides wrinkles, etc.) Many shows have been using this - even Judge Judy's 'bench' has had this same lighting (which lights her from under her chin) the past few seasons. Takes about 20 years off her face.


Interesting. I definitely believe this. We talked a bunch about lighting when I took a tv broadcasting course and you can do anything with lights. It's the key to illusion. TV shows have changing trends in set design regardless. One of my favorite commentaries on this was when they tried to change Larry's set on the Larry Sanders Show.
