MovieChat Forums > The Man in the High Castle (2015) Discussion > In a rushed final season, the introducti...

In a rushed final season, the introduction of the BCR was a unnecessary waste of precious air time

Seeing that the war in Europe was fought amongst predominantly white people, I just hope this arc wasn't simply shoehorned in to pad out the cast with more PoC (but it probably was).


Black people and Jews had both been ethnically cleansed in the Reich. The Pacific States, but especially the Neutral Zone, were their only sanctuaries on the continent. If the Reich seized total control of North America it would be game over. Hardly a big surprise you'd find many of both groups in the resistance.

Lev and his people had already been introduced and frankly, I liked him better as a character than most of the BCR folks. No reason they had to throw in additional factions and the wrinkles that come with that, when this was going to be the final season. If they had several more seasons to work with maybe they could've done something with this communist rebel organization - although I was amused that they didn't seem to be very dedicated communists, we only heard the word "comrade" one time, thrown in there pretty much for show.


Because by the time this final shit season was filmed BLM was big in the news so the show had to blackened to make a small minority feel good about themselves ....
