MovieChat Forums > The Man in the High Castle (2015) Discussion > Opening Establishing Shot of San Francis...

Opening Establishing Shot of San Francisco ...

There is a shot, I think I have seen it in other movies but I am not sure, of a city street that is obviously supposed to be in San Francisco that is at the crest of a hill looking down to the SF Bay and off in the distance you see perfectly framed the Golden Gate Bridge.

Oh, it is beautiful and really sets the mood, but the problem is that when I go to Google Maps and try to find any street and place where that might happen ... there is no street that runs radially out from one or the other of the GGB towers that I can find that would allow a long shot from the street directly out to the bay and the bridge.

Does anyone know what I am talking about, or where that shot might have been taken from? I'm now pretty well convinced it is a fake show just to look like SF.


Turns out it is on Harrison St. - a view of the Bay Bridge
