MovieChat Forums > The Man in the High Castle (2015) Discussion > America never declared war on germany

America never declared war on germany

Just japan


This is an alternate history, events could have happened differently.


From what I gather, all the films are coming in from different universes where any scenario could have played out - the only important thing to really recognise is that no matter - a second World War broke out in all of the recognised universes that we see on screen.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


Yes they did.


Thanks for posting this. On a side, if you want to really change history, go back to Japan in late June, 1941 and convince the Japanese to join the war against the Soviet Union. Had Japan attacked in Siberia from Manchuria in July, the Soviet Asiatic armies could not have reinforced Moscow in October, leaving it to fall to the Nazi's, and ending the Soviet Union.


"Thanks for posting this. On a side, if you want to really change history, go back to Japan in late June, 1941 and convince the Japanese to join the war against the Soviet Union. Had Japan attacked in Siberia from Manchuria in July, the Soviet Asiatic armies could not have reinforced Moscow in October, leaving it to fall to the Nazi's, and ending the Soviet Union.

Yeah. That might have done the trick. In general, it was the U.S. entering the war that really killed it for the Axis.

Defender of the weak, and enemy of the weak minded.


The Germans were stopped by troops already in western Russia before many additional troops were moved from eastern Siberia. Had the Japanese moved north instead of south, they would have been roughly handled by the Red Army and run out of the oil and rubber they needed to continue the war. It was that lack of those resources that led them to move into South East Asia instead of. Siberia.


The things you say are true...but the Japanese could have avoided attacking any US territories altogether and still have taken the Dutch East Indies, French IndoChina, etc. All those troops who died defending various Pacific Islands or especially holding the Philippines could have been deployed elsewhere.

Defender of the weak, and enemy of the weak minded.


Japan didn't have the logistics to add the Soviets to the British and Chinese nor could they allow their supply lines to SEA to be vulnerable to American interference by leaving the Philippines alone. They were convinced that attacking Malaya and the Dutch east indies would result in an American declaration of war. Even if that fear turned out to be unjustified, the US would continue to give the Allies all aid short of war until Japan was forced out of the Asian mainland and Indonesia.

Their best course of action, would have been not to invade China and concentrate on getting rich through trade. Their next best course of action would have been to withdraw from China and Indochina as the West demanded.


Japan didn't have the logistics to add the Soviets to the British and Chinese nor could they allow their supply lines to SEA to be vulnerable to American interference by leaving the Philippines alone. They were convinced that attacking Malaya and the Dutch east indies would result in an American declaration of war. Even if that fear turned out to be unjustified, the US would continue to give the Allies all aid short of war until Japan was forced out of the Asian mainland and Indonesia.

Their best course of action, would have been not to invade China and concentrate on getting rich through trade. Their next best course of action would have been to withdraw from China and Indochina as the West demanded.


Germany and Italy declared war on the US a day after the US declared war on Japan.


the stupid is strong in this one.

Defender of the weak, and enemy of the weak minded.


USA was attacked by Japan and we not only Declared war on Germany, but made Victory in Europe over Germany the priority ahead of Defeating Japan.
(IMO right decision)

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