MovieChat Forums > The Man in the High Castle (2015) Discussion > H-bomb reference in the first episode go...

H-bomb reference in the first episode goof

As if DJ Qualls acting wasn't bad enough to suspend my disbelief, he goes and makes reference to the H-bomb at aorund the 15min mark in the first episode when at that time the Germans had only developed the A-bomb


You realize that he's an actor on this show, not a writer, yes?

But please, don't let me stop you in your hate tirade.

Brevity is the soul of wit.


H could stand for Heisenberg.


I think youve got it. We called the Atomic bomb " the A Bomb"

in this world it was called the Heisenberg device, and the slag for it is " H Bomb"

so in this world an H Bomb is what we called the A Bomb
