I just realized the two seasons are exactly 1 year apart. I prefer an episode a week, and the option to binge if I dvr the episodes. A year is too long. I like how TMC does the Walking Dead. Mid-season break, then come back. Is this due to budget? 10 a year is not a lot. I'm on episode 8 of season 2 and it's gonna suck to have to wait another year for season 3.
I get what you mean , I think Netflix was first to do this with House of Cards , watch each season the first weekend it's out and have to wait a whole year too see more. However if you DVR 1 week episodes and binge at end of the season you still have to wait a year if you do that again. TWD does to half seasons so they can have 2 cliffhangers a season just for ratings
Eh. Not really. It's the trend. I could chose to watch an ep a week if I wanted. It's always kind of sad to get really into a show and then have to wait a year to get another season of it.
We can all choose the rate at which we watch the episodes. I know, easier said than done. I binge one show at a time mostly but I know a couple of people who have many shows and watch an ep of each in a sitting so all the shows stretch out longer. Not a bad idea.
are you new to this?? a year is pretty average... And yes i love to binge. I Honestly HATE have to wait a week between episodes far more than i hate having to wait a year for a whole full season. The season is over... i sit, contemplate... write something about it, look for something about it on youtube, see if people liked, if they got the same conclusions then i did... then i move on with my life... The weekly format keeps me trapped. I almost feel like a hostage. Not even joking. I'm from the high speed internet age, the idea of me having to wait a whole week for something that i could be having right now... it annoys the hell out of me. That's why we only pay for netflix...
I agree. Plus if one the episodes drags, I tend to lose interest in tuning back into the show the following week. With all the episodes released at once, you can plow through even the boring episodes and get to the interesting bits without having to wait in between each one.
What I don't like about this "binge watching" is that there is no time to talk about it "around the water cooler".
I have now seen 5 episodes of this year's offering and came here carefully picking threads so that I don't stumble onto spoilers, but I'm dying to talk about what I have seen so far.
I really, really hate this "all season dump" concept.
One-a-week. Talk. See another. Talk. Rinse. Repeat.
The one-a-week thing has always been a turn off to me. It's never enough to satisfy me when I want to really indulge. Then there are shows like TWD that use misdirection and cliffhangers to generate media hype. I have better things to do with my time than discuss what-ifs of a TV series. Just give me the dang story!
I've been choosing Netflix and Amazon series more often because they are released by the season. The reviews are based on the entire season rather than a good or bad episode. They also contain less hype, more constructive & comprehensive analysis.
I'd rather hear about a good season than a good episode. A good episode in a mediocre series is not worth my time.
My husband and I watch two episodes of MITHC per night, and one of Mozart In the Jungle. When House of Cards comes back on we'll do two per night.
We really enjoy being in control of what we watch and when we watch. Sure beats the old days when you'd have to chain yourself to the tube once a week for a show.....pre home video recording devices.
Not really. Binge watching has sort of ruined television for me. I just feel like I'm watching a film and there's no incentive to ever discuss a single episode. I feel like I have to watch the entire season in one shot just to avoid spoilers and it's more of a chore than entertaining to watch.
Anyhow I'm pretty much at the point to where I don't even have any interest with any show that feels the need to drop all the episodes at once. I find weekly shows are more fun to watch and due to their weekly format have all around better pacing and writing. Westworld blew TMITHC out of the water for me, mostly because it was on HBO and was written as a weekly television program!