MovieChat Forums > The Man in the High Castle (2015) Discussion > So is Milton from The Office actually th...

So is Milton from The Office actually the man in the white castle?

Or is he just another time traveller?


its not known yet


Okay, thank you


ROFL, OP I cracked up at this post, holy crap I did NOT realize that was Milton (and you meant from "Office Space", not "The Office"). Office Space is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I did not realize that it was Milton, thank you for pointing it out. Gosh he's aged but he great on this series, shows he's definitely a versatile actor. Look at his portfolio I can't believe how many things now he's been in and I didn't realize it was Milton.


everytime I watched the ending credits I'd see Stephen Root and I'd always remind myself to keep an eye out for him but I would get so engrossed in the episode I'd forget until I see his name again in the credits. rinse repeat.

still not sure which character he plays


the fat one


He plays Bill Williams - the man so nice they named him twice.


I was a big fan of Justified. Root played a part-time character, a federal judge who carried his own firearm. He was great in that. Unfortunately, I think he's miss cast here. I thought of the Man as an intellectual, like Michael Chernus in Manhattan. There's too much comedic presence in Root to take him seriously. I still see him as the doofus in Dodgeball.


The Nazis stole his stapler.


Oh boy, he seemed familiar but I didn't make the connection myself. You really cracked me up. What makes it even better is that he got to burn his workplace to the ground again.


I usually think of the blind 'Radio Station Man' from O' Brother, Where Art Thou.

But really, Steven Root has done quite a few better things than the somewhat funny, but ultimately forgettable Office Space.

Brevity is the soul of wit.


Yes, me too. I have to wonder, did he lose weight or can they just do wonders with costumes, lighting and filming angles, etc? Because while he nerve looks THIN in his other roles, neither does he look a little obese as he does in OBWAT.


He is extremely well known, everyone else knows him, he has hundreds of roles.

How could you possibly not know who he is?


The man in the HIGH Castle

Not White Castle

Stephen Root is an AMAZING actor who can completely disappear into a role!


My fav role of his is Dodgeball.
