Calender Girl

I browsed the message boards and didn't see this mentioned, which I found to be a bit surprising... (I've also only finished S2E3, so maybe it was touched on later in the season)

In the meeting between Jules and the Man in the High Castle, the song "Calender Girl," by Neil Sedaka, is playing in the background. The song was recorded in 1960, released in 1961. While that itself isn't the problem - the problem is:

Neil Sedaka is Jewish, was born in 1939 and living in New York, making him 8 years old when the Nazi's "won" the war. He would not have likely survived the culling in the show's time line. Even if he had survived, the likelihood of him becoming a performer and recording such a happy upbeat song would be slim to nil.

That means that the Man in the High Castle not only has access to newsreels/films from alternate time lines, but other forms of media as well. Could this have been a hint at something to come or just a simple nod to an alternate time line (our own)?


Very wel spotted but very inaccurate of the show as they wouldn't have used any music or media from Jewish.
There were always strict racial laws regarding Jews.
It's also ironic they use "Edelweiss" for the theme
Tune as the composer was alsoa Jew


That has been brought up before.

The show already depicts closeted Jews, Frank for one, plus a man with Jewish children that Frank befriends in Season 1.

It's very likely that the showrunners knew that Sedaka was Jewish when that song was selected.

Also, Sedaka's co-writer for that song was Howard Greenfield, who was apparently gay. This was also pointed out earlier as something else that never happen in Hitler's America, which is just as ridiculous.

Brevity is the soul of wit.



I think it is clear that things other than films can be moved between alternate realities.
