Film reels and footage

I'm super confused by the meeting between the Man in the High Castle and Juliana. How can the films contain footage of living people with various endings? His explanation seemed vague and impossible. Who had made the films and how can they show events which haven't yet happened?

I love the series but not keen on an entirely improbable or 'magical' scenario


It's just a multiverse scenario. They aren't that uncommon

From the structure of the show, it seems that some are able to travel across timelines as well as alternate universes.

If this is Locke, then who's in there?


i just discoverd this show on christmas with the free trial weekend for some shows that amazon had and i got i just or this since i already have netflix... mid season 2 at this point.

i really like historical shows and things like fringe with alternate timelines/worlds.

my question: is it answerd were the films come from and what gives certain people like tagomi the abillity to cross at will? or is it answerd in the book? (no spoilers pls) just a yes or no. i find it really intriging but hope i dont have to wait another year or more for some explanation. or at least a piece of it.

it only ends once , everything before that is just progress.


my question: is it answerd were the films come from and what gives certain people like tagomi the abillity to cross at will? or is it answerd in the book? (no spoilers pls) just a yes or no. i find it really intriging but hope i dont have to wait another year or more for some explanation. or at least a piece of it.

There are no films in the book. They explain who the "certain people" are but not how in the bonus clips in Season 2


is it answerd were the films come from and what gives certain people like tagomi the abillity to cross at will?
Sort of but the answer may not be universal across all the tapes as it is focused primarily on Tagomi.

Basically, they are just reels that someone brings with them when they travel.

If I were you, I'd wanna be me too.



This is a science fiction story. We don't at this point know how they do it, we just know that they do.

While the show hasn't really explained that how yet, we do see Tagomi go to an alternate timeline, then return with a reel of film that depicts a different history. We have a good idea that a few others have as well, but we do not know and may never necessarily be told the mechanics of it.

how can they show events which haven't yet happened?

Mostly, those films are from the past, only they are different versions of history.

Yes, some things in the reels are events that have yet to happen. We saw a one where Joe Blake killed Frank and Dixon. Dixon later was killed, but by Juliana, not by Joe. We don't know for certain what Frank's fate is. And we don't know that everything seen in the reels will happen.

Because they're all histories / futures of alternate timelines.

That's the story.

Brevity is the soul of wit.


We saw a one where Joe Blake killed Frank and Dixon.

The one I just saw, S1, E9, Joe killed Frank, (I did not see Dixon). My understanding it that is NOT the future, but rather an alternate universe scene.


The one I just saw, S1, E9, Joe killed Frank, (I did not see Dixon). My understanding it that is NOT the future, but rather an alternate universe scene.

Season 2 spoilers:

In that same reel Frank and Juliana watched where they see Joe kill Frank, we then see Joe step over and shoot the next guy in the head and we see him fall to the ground. That guy turns out to be Dixon, as we later find out.

I mostly agree with you about alternate time not being scenes from the future, but we really don't know for sure. I say that because in the S2 EP where Juliana shoots Dixon, we see him fall to the ground, then she gets (or we get) a flashback of him falling to ground in the reel scene.

So it seems that the show is treating it as a sort of portend of the future, that Dixon will die, regardless of how it happens. That doesn't make a lot of sense in the "purely alternate timeline" sense, so I'm not sure why the show depicted it that way ... unless it has to do with Abendsen's little speech (S2E10) about Juliana being the one constant for all actions he's seen occur in the films.

Brevity is the soul of wit.


Furthermore, TMITHC tells Julianna that the only film (alternate reality) in which SF is not bombed is the one in which George Dix dies in an alley dressed as an SS officer.


Next thing....Doc Brown and Marty McFly show up in the Delorean.

PENECTOMY...a word I don't get to use every day!


Ah great thanks. It takes away from the story, for me anyway - I prefer it simply as a clever political thriller rather than an 'inception' style genre. It leaves it too open and not cleverly done. Unless all is revealed in future seasons.


Apparently, a "leaper" (borrowed from Quantum Leap another show based on alternate timelines) bring the films back as evidenced by the S2E10 SPOILER ALERT

Mr. Tagomi bringing a film back from his alternate timelines. So, "the man in the high castle" brings the films back when he leaps. Possibly, Hitler can do it also but he doesn't bring back films which is why he is obsessed with collecting them.


So, "the man in the high castle" brings the films back when he leaps.

No, that doesn't quite work. The Resistance members are putting themselves at great risk to bring those films TO the Man in the High Castle. If he's the one bringing them here, why doesn't he already have them ALL? If he's the one bringing them here, why wouldn't he just keep them all to himself, and never put others at risk?

I think he is just really clever and analytical, and thus he is better at most, in deciphering the clues to find useful intel in them.

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.


Actually, you're right. I stand corrected.


He didn't want to get rid of her. Watch the very end of the S2 finale. He explains how he used Julianna to prevent another war where San Francisco would get nukes. Then he shows her half- sister, Trudy, alive which is obviously alternate timeline Trudy.


Somehow the man is able to access alternate realities. He is using them to direct history by releasing the films into the wild. It looked to me as if he didn't mind Hitler getting his hands on them. What he was angry about was that Hitler didn't show them to anyone else but hoarded them.

The films aren't held to one time frame, the man can see many alternate realities of the past and the possible future.

I have a feeling he saw Juliana defect and eventually fall in love with Joe. But if Juliana messes up more often than not, why the heck did the man release her into the care of an agent who does nothing but eff up? I swear if the High Castle guy wanted to get rid of Juliana, why give her to dopey Gary?

Then again, all these films are snippets of different realities with NO context. Therefore the man didn't know that HE and his group were the cause of Juliana running to the Nazis not her looking to betray anyone specifically.


Why would he need to ask Juliana about the contents of the film if he's the one who released it into the wild? He just gathers them and tries to use them to direct the future, just like Hitler.


He did not 'need' to ask Juliana, he was subtly directing her actions. He asked her 'who is that man', and she knew he was familiar, but could not place him. That got her to thinking about him and her asking her mom about him is what ultimately gets her to contact him.


He was trying to find out what type of film reel it was; in this case, a hydrogen bomb (which always involves the "mystery guy"). Which means he just as well might not know the contents. And her reaction when describing what she had seen is more than enough to manipulate her. So your points aren't actually evidence of his knowing the contents beforehand.


beachym for what it's worth I am like you. I like the alternate history version of TMITHC but so far I have found the alternate timeline aspect of the show to be dumb -- certainly not as smart as the rest of the show -- and for me it undercuts the show's power.

Nazism was very much about death. The alternate timeline aspect invites the viewer not to care about death. If Trudy, whose death sparked all the action, is really alive, why should I care? Why should I care about Frank's sister and her kids?

It minimizes the power of the show, for me.
