Hey Nazis

Go suck a bag of allied dicks, again.

That's an order!




All the allied nations are now being overrun with foreigners.
Pretty soon there won't be any "allies" left, lol.

You guys just cucked yourselves!


The great irony is that the only part of Europe that is going to survive is Eastern Europe, and Russia is the nation that is today the primary protector of Christianity and the White Race. Hitler was right about the suicidal decadence of the West, but he completely underestimated Eastern Europeans. Now obviously WWII helped create the conditions for Eastern Europe to thrive. The German invasion allowed Eastern Europe to cleanse itself of its Jews, and the Soviet Occupation resulted in the destruction of the aristocracy. Combined, this had the effect of building strong, stable, middle class ethno-states resistant to all the problems we are seeing in the West.


In the end it is a better strategy to rape, outbreed, and eventually usurp rather than attempt to conquer outright with war. The slow boil take over pays off better in the end.

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


Nazis ever could have.
And Oburqa's Dept of Education is 10x more effective at mind-mashing than the Hitler Youth ever were.


These replies to you are hideous. I don't know what it is that keeps people stuck in such a low level of consciousness, focused only on domination, separation, status, and violence. This is the same mentality has made human history such a nightmare.

Only love and inclusion will ever bring this planet peace and harmony. If we could collectively see ourselves from a higher perspective, we would know without a doubt that despite all our differences, despite the clashes of cultures and ideologies, we are all one on this planet. We are all brothers and sisters.

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"Yeah...well, y'know, that's just, like, uh...your opinion, man."


Biggest mistake Britain ever made was declaring war on Germany.

"We hold with the old ways from the time of the Heptarchy. The truths do not change."
