Stefan Lindberd

Can someone explain what happened to him? Why did he get thrown in jail, if they never found the guy he murdered? Was it because of him giving away free houses?
It was a shame that they abruptly ended his branch of the story, and with that his sister's and the girl he was helping.


I don't know what happened to the guy after the arrest. But they did however find the body. There is a scene at the hospital when he visits his sister where he grabs a newspaper and one of the headlines on the front page of this newspapers reads something like "Dead body found in dumpster" if I remember correctly.
I agree with you, that storyline were really getting better and better and then just ended with the arrest :(


Late answer but anyway. They did find the body of Sören, the red headed cop (Hammar) came to Saga and Martin and asked for Stefan, and Martin said hem was guilty and told him about the blood.
