What is Saga saying?

Not a very involved question here, I just like knowing what people are actually saying. Often we are told Saga has said 'yes' or 'ok' and the word I hear her say sounds like 'Op'. I've tried everywhere to find if there is a word in a Swedish dialect for yes which sounds like this but I can't find it anywhere.

Just wondering if anyone knows what Saga is saying in Swedish that would be this word.


I think it is "Ja" that you're hearing. It is often pronounced only as "Aa", without the J being audible. And it means "yes", or maybe more like "yeah". It could also be that she said "Japp", which is also slang for "yes".


Thank you!! I've tried to find everywhere if there's a slang version with a 'p' sound. That would definitely be it. You've made my weekend, thank you.


No problem.

I just realized that she could be saying something like "Happ", which is never actually written that way, the word "Jaha" or even "Japp" is often pronounced that way. Either way, they all mean the same thing, either "Yes", or in the case of "Jaha" it would mean something like "Aha" or "Oh well" or "Alright", depending on the context.


Thank you for clearing that up. Happ does sound more like what she says.


No problem. If you give me a specific time in a specific episode I can verify it for you if you wish. :)
