Kim Bodnia.

Do you think his decision to leave was a smart one?

I mean, nobody can argue it wasn't one of artistic integrity, as his reason was that he didn't like the direction his character was to take throughout season 3, so I suppose the respect he had for his character was such that he didn't feel he could continue with an arc he didn't envision Martin going in, however, commercially maybe the decision was a bad one, this show was probably the most famous and acclaimed gig he'd ever gotten and maybe will ever get. He IS Martin Rhode. I wonder if he'll regret it down the line.

Saga Norén, Länskrim, Malmö


It turns out there was another reason. As Sweden is becoming more middle eastern, living in Sweden as a Jew is not exactly pleasant:


Er... To counter this troll's BS injection I'll just post two relevant facts:

1. Sweden is a country that has always been notoriously known in the world for being rabidly and rampantly antisemitic. It has always like that, and to such an extreme degree that inflow of Middle-Eastern immigrants is expected to actually dilute and soften Swedish antisemitism.

2. The link is to Dailymail. Dailymail is a source that specializes in creating fake "news". It is like The Onion, except that The Onion attempts to be funny, while Dailymail doesn't. Nothing posted in Dailymail has any connection to reality.


To the deluded PC poster:

1. You are correct that Swedes were anti-semitic before, but not to the rabid degree of Arabs and other Muslims. There is now a new exodus of Jews from Sweden because of the harrassment. President Obama even took the trouble of sending a "special envoy" to Malmö to investigate the situation there.
So Bodnia's story rings true, even if he might have other reasons as well. Even I wouldn't dream of living in Malmö (it sounds like a hellish place), and I am not Jewish.

2. I chose a link to Daily Mail because it is convenient on an English speaking board, but the story has also been reported in other media. The original interview with Bodnia on Israeli TV can easily be found as well. But of course I know that linking to Daily Mail (he world's largest online English language newspaper BTW) is to lefties like a red rag to a bull.


To the starry-eyed and confused user above:

1. Firstly, there's no formally meaningful way to compare the degree of "antisemitism" between different cultures. However, I'll just use my authority on the subject to postulate that Swedes are not somehow "less antisemitic" than "Arabs and other Muslims".

I'm not really offering this for debate. (I'm sorry I forgot to say this right away.)

Secondly, the bit about "Obama sending a special envoy" made me laugh heartily at its juvenile naivete. No,sweetie, president Obama would not be allowed to send any "special envoy" into any Free World country. In any Free World country any "special envoy" connected to the US regime would be immediately detained, slammed face first into the pavement, handcuffed, folded, packed and sent back to Obama in a plastic box (if not in two plastic boxes).

2. Phuuuulease... What "other media" would that be? Other spawns of DailyMail and Co.? :)


President Obama's special envoy against anti-Semitism, Ira Forman, is set to visit Stockholm and Malmö to analyse how the Swedish cities are coping with rising threats against Jewish communities.


That's very nice, but... you know, I have it on very good authority that just yesterday some Joe Shmuck (from Milwaukee, WI) sent his own "special envoy" to Mars in order to check up on martians' cannabis use habits.

While I can conceivably believe that Mr. Shmuck (from Milwaukee, WI) did indeed send some of his friends to Mars, I highly doubt: 1) that said friend has reached the intended destination, 2) that anyone on Mars cares about Mr. Shmuck, his "envoy" and their mission.

Same goes for Obama, his "special envoy" Ira Forman and Sweden :)


That's very nice, but... you know, I have it on very good authority that just yesterday some Joe Shmuck (from Milwaukee, WI) sent his own "special envoy" to Mars in order to check up on martians' cannabis use habits.

While I can conceivably believe that Mr. Shmuck (from Milwaukee, WI) did indeed send some of his friends to Mars, I highly doubt: 1) that said friend has reached the intended destination, 2) that anyone on Mars cares about Mr. Shmuck, his "envoy" and their mission.

Same goes for Obama, his "special envoy" Ira Forman and Sweden :)



1. Firstly, there's no formally meaningful way to compare the degree of "antisemitism" between different cultures. However, I'll just use my authority on the subject to postulate that Swedes are not somehow "less antisemitic" than "Arabs and other Muslims".

The difference is tolerance. Old Swedish antisemitism was tolerant, the hate was kept to oneself and so the communities could live side by side. The new hate is intolerant, meaning everything from tugging the Rabbi's beard to throwing stones, arson and murder.

Tolerance was invented by Europeans but has never been practiced much in other parts of the world.


Given that Season 3 was the weakest series, I'd say he did the right thing.

Best films ever:

Snakes on a Plane
Snakes on a Train
Snakes on a Crane
Snakes on Mark Twain


I suppose you've never been to Canada.


The Daily Mail is "the world's largest online English language newspaper". LOL. Is that supposed to impress us?


How sad it that's true. I really thought he and Sofia Helin made a great team.

Same Rules Apply


Hans Rosenfeldt, the lead writer for the Bridge, has said that he is open to Martin re-appearing in series 4. In what capacity, I don't know.


Few days ago i saw kim talks about the issue in an interview he gave while filming in Israel. He did'nt say he left the series because of anti-semitism , he said that in general its not easy to be a jew in Malmo (he did not say Sweeden he only meant Malmo the city) but he did say he did not work in season 3 because according to script he was supposed to be in prison and he wanted ( as allowed in his contract ) to contribute to the script by putting into light the problem of youth becoming anti-semitic in Danish prisons , by radical muslim preachers working/serving time in prisons , 2 or 3 days before starting to shoot the 3rd season he was called by the BBC (I think) producers and was asked to sign a new contract under which he was not allowed to improvise during shooting or change the scripts (as was his right till then ) and decided to leave the production .

The link for the interview :


Thank goodness if his emotional (blubbering and twitching) acting was an example of him improvising then they were better off without him :D


He probably left because they asked him to tone down the fish mouth twitchy face..
