Ender is a Monster
I've been reading the boards and find it surprising that people empathise with Ender or the other students. At the end of the book Ender has undergone a metamorphosis from a disturbed human being into a monster forged of cold logic with only one ambition victory no matter the cost. The process of this transformation was horrifying and disturbing reminiscent of child soldiers in many 3rd world countries. However unlike a child soldier Ender is a genius, mature far beyond his age his portrayal is not so much a child but a stunted malformed adult.
The worst thing though is what the movie is trying to achieve and that is apologetics / justification of Ender’s genocide.
1. Ender does not realise he is actually fighting real battles. This statement is farcical at best as Ender is a genius even an average person such as myself figured out that the battles seem too real for a simulation. More realistically Ender choses to delude himself as he is so focused on victory, so afraid of his demons (bullies / brother etc.), so focused on proving himself superior to those around him.
2. Ender saves the human race by wiping out an alien race for attacking us. Let’s role reverse if humans had been the instigators and attacked an Alien race killed a few and got beaten and then decided to retreat and 50 years later the aliens came back and exterminated us. Would we consider this to be justice - of course not. Eye for an Eye Tooth for a Tooth is not justice.
3. Ender is mercilessly bullied. Hmm lots of people get bullied they do not decide to send their bullies to hospital or make them brain dead or go on to commit genocide.
4. Ender saves the queen. Ahh yes hello Dr Mengele I heard you cured more people than you killed you must be a saint. Once again this does not in anyway pardon Ender’s genocide.
5. Ender is loved, followed and trusted. Hmm because they trust him we should too? Most dictators that committed genocide had the love, trust and adoration of a decent chunk of the population as well as children, lovers etc. cough cough Napolean.
6. Ender is a child manipulated by those around him. The movie represents him as a stunted malformed adult more so than a child. Furthermore Ender is a genius and mature far beyond his age, he knows with certainty right from wrong unlike a child.
So what is the movie trying to achieve? One can only conclude that it is intended to make readers apologetic to dictators like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Caliphs, Kings etc. The movie wants you to sympathise with Ender and the students and by default sympathise with these dictators and their students / puppets (cough cough SS). What makes me uneasy is that it seems to have worked. The vast majority of people on these forums support and sympathise with Ender. Think I’m crazy, watch Charlie Chaplin's great dictator speech (some excerpts below):
We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost....
Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men - machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don't hate! Only the unloved hate - the unloved and the unnatural!
At the end of the movie Ender is a machine man personified with a machine mind and a machine heart the very thing Charlie Chaplin feared. The very thing Hitler, Stalin and the Emperor of Japan were. Ender represents thinking more than feeling, violence rather than compassion, his students are but extensions of him, he is made to be the unloved and he can only hate.