Madeline Barton!!!!

So after watching this awesome movie I decided to check out the cast, and the character Madeline Barton is played by twins!!

But why!?


I don't know about that, but i wanted that stupid little *beep* at least slapped or punched in the head with a baseball bat.
Are the kids really that stupid?
If i was in the elevator, i would probably commit a murder.
This little girl is more stupid than Rick's son in The Walking Dead.


Agreed, i would have kicked that little girls face right in!!


This response is pretty late, but I'm surprised nobody answered it yet.

It's really relatively common practice to use twins in roles that require very young actors. There are a lot of labor laws and industry standards in place in order to protect child actors from being exploited or over-worked. (They have to have access to education while on-set, for example, and are only allowed to work so many hours at a time, or so many hours in day.) This means that if you're shooting a movie in which you have a young actor onscreen for a lot of the time - as in this film - it can be a logistical nightmare to finish a film on-time and under-budget.

By using identical twins, you can increase the number of filmable hours per day. When one twin has worked the max amount of time allowed, you simply replace him or her with the other one and keep going. This is how the Olsen twins got their start, remember - both playing the same role on Full House.


Thanks for that. You learn something new everyday.


Is that why all the actors in teen movies are in their mid 20's?


That little girl is a *beep* brat !!!! This is all her fault.


the kid was spoiled evil bitch. i would have thrown her down the elevator shaft


The pregnant woman should have peed on her expensive shoes.



oh my God, she was so evil. i really wanted them to spend their last few minutes kicking her in the head- there were a few moments towards the end where it seemed like it was heading that way but the characters were essential good guys and controlled themselves. But at the very least poetic justice would be if the grandfather disowned her.
