What would you do?

What would you do if you could absolutely anything? I thought about doing some of the things he did in the movie (food, war etc) but you have to be careful how you phrase it as well lol

Would you use the powers for your own good, or to help others/the world?


Probably just re-enact the "pleasure" scene from Bruce Almighty with everyone I know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c6pDzrk2lA


So you'd do all that with everyone you know? You'd do all that with your mother? Grandmother? Your 57 year old Maths teacher? You are one one sick puppy. Eewww. You'd do it with a puppy?!?!? Yes sir, one sick puppy. ;-) (Gotta be careful what you wish for :-)


Well maybe not them, but I'd do it to a lot of people.


Made things better in my dry and mean heart so people would stop suffering from it, me included.

"to tax and to please, no more to love and to be wise, is not given to men"


maybe something like transcendence, understand how the universe work , once u have all the knowledge then u can make the best decisions.


Take 5 min to figure out how to word my wishes properly.

Almost every bit of conflict in this movie was due to Pegg's character being a moron when he said things and refusing to learn from his mistakes in wording.

And he was supposed to be a writer!!


Try to help the world stop huger and war plus selfish stuff like be rich, best in world at MMA, be great at acting, know how the universe was formed and know about all the life that has ever existed in universe.


I'd start by getting back the 90 minutes I wasted, watching that stupid piece of dog poo.


Well the obvious first steps would be to find out who gave me those powers, what their intentions are, make myself more intelligent and make those wishes less literally.


I would solve all the world's current problems. People would still have their free will but not to the level of hurting someone or animals. Or make another planet where everyone who was tired of war and suffering, etc could move to by choice. Helping others does help yourself in the long run.

This group has the goals of ending war and many of our problems by using logic and science - www.thevenusproject.com . A lot of info, really does require a change in the way most people think. It is possible, we do technically have the ability to produce everything that everyone needs - food, housing, etc.
