the worst film I have ever seen
The plot is utterly implausible and the very good cast generally stand around like mannequins staring into the middle distance in very nice clothes. The exception is Colin Firth who is utterly convincing as the devoted and griefstricken spouse who is frustrated by the fact that his disabled wife cannot even remember him and who has to hold down a job and come back to do everything for .. Nicole Kidman has a camera diary which she uses rather pointlessly to take selfies showing her with red eyes, in a nightie in the toilet for some reason. What happens when the memory is full up or the camera needs recharging since she cannot remember how to do anything? Colin Firth is a teacher working and living in London, in a very nice detached house with a garden of silver birch trees within walking distance of Greenwich. Then we get onto the plot which I cannot talk about for fear of a spoiler. Suffice to say that it gives the audience the opportunity to see a defenceless, vulnerable woman used as a punchbag and that none of it is believable. How could it be that this seriously disabled woman is under the care of a consultant, unbeknown to her husband but social services do not know where she is? If she is divorced from her husband how come he took her out of hospital? And at the end, is this reunion really such a good idea with the man who abandoned her and had an affair after all? Why is it supposed to be a happy ending?