Skyline 2's Plot...
What can we actually expect to see from this movie in way of a plot?
The first was terrible and left us with an ending that defied the possiblity of a sequel.
Lets recap...
Earth is a now a desolate, picked clean wasteland.
Being looked down on by a group of seemingly indestructible harvesters of human brains.
One pregnant woman and a hybrid human/alien drone seem the only ones awake/aware of whats going on.
The pair are trapped inside the same mother ship that once hovered over L.A, also devoid of human life.
So, really, what the hell can this do to fill another 90 minutes of my life I could not hope to get back?
Please, someone, anyone, tell me. What could they actually do that could make up for the eye sore that was the first 88 minute waste of cinema time. Just one credible plot idea.