MovieChat Forums > Shame (2012) Discussion > Did you hear the news that sex addiction...

Did you hear the news that sex addiction isn't a real addiction?

I heard on the radio tonight that researchers discovered sex addiction technically isn't a disorder of the mind, or addiction or whatever. In other words, it isn't an excuse, and people who are 'addicted' to sex really just love it and don't have the willpower to stop. Just like not wanting to exercise cos you really really couldn't be bothered. There is no excuse.


In other words, it isn't an excuse, and people who are 'addicted' to sex really just love it and don't have the willpower to stop.

Isn't that what an addiction is?


Well I thought an addiction is much more serious. Like it latches on to your brain and you feel an overwhelming desire to do it otherwise it triggers severe anger, anxiety, or obvious physical symptoms. And most importantly, you find yourself doing it and you don't even realise, or think about why you want to stop in the first place.

Anyway all I heard was that sexual addiction wasn't a real disorder and she said that Tiger Woods has to find another excuse. I can understand that. 'Sex addicts' like to think they're addicted cos it gives it justification. When in actual fact they just really like it and would rather not stop. Addicts have no self control. Sex addicts do have control but they would rather not adopt it.


Addiction is more physical-related, like if you are dependent on a certain drug and you stop taking it, you will see physical side effects to your body. I would think if you deprived a sex addict of anything sexual, that there will be physical side-effects as well.


stress can manifest itself into physical side effects. I'm certain that not being able to stop is going to cause stress. to resist their temptation to not have sex. It's not shameful to have sex but it is fairly depressing to abuse it to just have meaningless interactions that don't become anything. This man has done it all and sacrifices his personal connections for meaningless sex. He has no real friends, no lasting relationships, neglects his sister and all he cares about is getting off. It kills him, he absolutely hates himself. He's destroyed his mentality of it and reached a point where he can't create a connection with anyone. Most people would agree that the best sex you can ever have is with someone you love and he's made it very difficult for his mind to go that direction. He's plateaued on one level of high and can't feel anymore personal growth out of it. it's indifference that's tormenting him and I think addicts tend to feel that way too at some point and the only thing that becomes pleasurable is playing the game of relapses. So they are stuck in a loop till they break free from that comfort zone and manage to distant themselves from it. But with sex its got to be much more difficult because it's a natural thing and every time he gets close to someone and finally gets what he really needs out of it the sex part will trigger him, like as seen with the lady from the office. He can't trust himself, nobody else can trust him.. he's become a monster. That's what an addict looks like so even if it's not a disorder "technically" I think it's a real issue that can accurately be considered "sex addiction."


Here's my take on it. It's not an addiction, but it is a psychological disorder. For instance, the german word for anorexia is Magersucht, which roughly translated means "addiction to being skinny". Of course, anorexia isn't an addiction, it's psychological issues that interconnect with a physical image. Also, OCD has nothing to do with wanting to have things neat and clean, it's psychological issues that lead to compulsions. I view "sex addiction" the same way, that there are probably many unresolved issues, and the person reacts with an unhealthy approach to sex.

Feel free to correct me on any of this, as I'm not a professional, just someone with a lot of second hand experience with psychologial issues. This is just how I see this.


Interesting points. I agree. I also have those tendencies.


It is a real thing. In fact, it is now being called RPF, or rather Restless Penis Syndrome. Look it up

Edit: I have no idea why that was posted 3 times. Oops




ok we get it.



Also, it does not occur in a vacuum. Traumas or repressions are possible causes. Also it can be in tandem with personality disorders such as Narcissistic or Borderline (Had clients with both cases. Survived a relationship with a sex-obsessed narcissist!)


Of course not !!!!
Sex is a very important aspect of many psychological disorders. We can agree or disagree on the topic of sexual addiction as a psychological disorder of its own, but sex is a way of escapism to many people with deeper troubles. It's not about the willpower or the addiction, it's about the things deeper than that. I am not saying it's right, but you apparently don't know what psychological or mental illness is about. I am really sad you're judging people and taking it only from the " excuse " approach.


There's a difference between addiction and compulsion. You can be addicted to anything. The pleasure of sex, the ego of being good at sex, the escapism sex provides are all examples of various degrees of addiction. But there is still control. To feel a compulsion, that's far worse.
Just throwing out some subtle differences here.


exactly, I hate how nowadays it's such a popular excuse to put all your sexual deviancy or sexual compulsiveness on sex addiction, "oh, it's not my fault I have sex addiction." what I think is no one can be addicted to something as all encompassing and over powering as sex. sex is the most powerful physical, mental, and psychological thing that a person has. so we are always compelled to have sex or masturbate and because of these impulses and needs we can't just say oh I have sex addiction, because that would imply it's a special case where an addiction would lie and would apply. but addictions are special things which only apply in special situations like fetishes or drinking, so in other words things that we don't need.


sex sells itself people know what to expect when getting involved secually with others .Of course its not a real addiction you figure the pinheads who made this film would done their research and shown that in the film

Let face it, people hate art movies. Especially when they are not expecting an art movie


Same thing could be said about pedophiles so your argument doesnt make sence

[Excuse my english im not Canadian/American/English/Australien/whatever...]


The last word of that sentence doesn't make sense


You are right. My sincere apologies for this mistake

[Excuse my english im not Canadian/American/English/Australien/whatever...]


and people who are 'addicted' to sex really just love it and don't have the willpower to stop.

Cocaine, for example, doesn't cause physical dependency.

and people who are 'addicted' to cocaine really just love it and don't have the willpower to stop.

No excuse either, by your reasoning.

No, Schmuck! You are only entitled to your INFORMED opinion!!
-- Harlan Ellison


Coke heads fiending for a line is not a pretty sight. It's not as bad as a crackhead fiending for crack-cocaine, but it's still an ugly, sad sight to see coke heads needing a fix.
