MovieChat Forums > Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) Discussion > Cate and “May” how old are they supposed...

Cate and “May” how old are they supposed to be because they act like dumb teenagers

So cate is a teacher and yet she pouts and complains and is hypocritical..

“May” acts like she’s tough and yet complains a lot ..
geez if they are adult / grown ups they act like spoiled kids to the max


The timeline doesn't work here for Cate and Kentaro. Their father was born in the early 1950's, so he'd have had kids like, in the mid 1970's or maybe early 1980s unless he was a pretty old father. They should probably be in their early to mid 30s.


He is meeting the mother of Kentaro in 1982, she is the nice nurse of Lee. Based on the ages of the actors, it took them then 8 years to conceive Kentaro. Cate should be born around the time of 1982ish, as the actress is 30. So potentially he was already in the relationship with Cates mother at the time and Cate got conceived, then he distance from her and intensify his relationship with Kentaros mother.
Hiroshi is born around 51/52, so having a kid mid 1980s is totally normal, especially considering him unlikely being a family person in general. In US the mean age for first child was in the 1980s 23 years (, but in Japan already 28 (,highest%20mean%20age%20of%20childbearing.).


The timeline seems to work. Hiroshi was born in the early 1950s. If he had kids in his 30s, then Kentaro and Cate would be mid to late 20s or early 30s on G-Day. The actress who plays Cate is 31, Kentaro is 25, and May is 30. That seems about right to me. At worst, the actor playing Kentaro is a couple years younger than Kentaro may be (though he could well be 25), but I can accept that. It's acting, after all.
