First Episode - Excellent

This is a cinematic level of excellence. Many modern TV shows are well-written, but I can't think of very many that have had the scope of Monarch. It's clear that a lot of thought, time, and effort went into crafting this. From the opening sequence of John Goodman fleeing from a giant monster to the horrifying final scene, this is top-notch television.

I appreciate that the creators are taking advantage of the extended format offered by a television show to build a compelling story. In lesser hands this would be nothing but an episode-by-episode kaiju battle, with each week being little more than a question of which monsters will show up for the requisite battle this time around. Instead, characters are being introduced and fleshed out, mysteries and puzzles laid out, and, best of all, a palpable sense of tension grows with each passing scene.

I also admire them for not dumbing things down for their audience. Instead of plastering "We're now back at the Tokyo apartment in 2015" on the screen, they simply shift from one scene to the next, and allow the key ring to appear in shot as the camera moves to someone sitting on a couch. Perhaps the more dimwitted viewer will lose track, but that's why god made the rewind button.

I'm about to dive into the second episode. They gave us two to open the series, with one per week to follow, and hope it continue at the level of the opener.


Too bad this wasn't released in theatres, but that's the unfortunate Era we live in now


I'm also a big proponent of cinema, and dislike how much streaming has destroyed the movie-watching experience. Some things do seem better suited for television, or perhaps it's better to say the television format gives filmmakers a chance to tell stories in a different way. I've now watched the first two episodes, and both have been perfectly paced. If that continues, that means the full 10 episodes will run for about 7 1/2 hours, which is far too long for a cinematic release. That could be accomplished by breaking it into 3 films, but then there's the issue of the disruption caused by the inevitable need to space them out by a year apiece.

In a perfect world, or at least in MY perfect world, the episodes would only be shown in theaters as a serial, with one being released per week, and playing before some other film, in the way serials were shown 80+ years ago. Not only would that allow audiences to see this on a big screen, it would put butts in seats and go a long way towards reviving the sagging theater industry.


Good to hear i have been looking forward to this after seeing the ads on Apple TV+


Are you planning to watch? I had a promo for 3 free months of Apple TV that I waited to activate with this particular show in mind. Nothing else on the platform is of interest to me, so I wanted to make sure my trial lasted for the duration of the show's run.


Yes eventually but i have so much stuff in my watchlist. I'll wait till all episodes are available.


Mine was barren until this came along, so it's nice to again have something to watch.


Same here, I wait until the last episode is released.
