Her first movie will be NOTLD '68!
My favorite horror film and the awesome Elvira???
It's going to a fun Halloween season this year!!!
See you in L.A., Marvin. - Jack Walsh
My favorite horror film and the awesome Elvira???
It's going to a fun Halloween season this year!!!
See you in L.A., Marvin. - Jack Walsh
She started last weekend and her first movie was NOTLD. Right now, it's on AGAIN!!! Is this an official start date of Movie Mabcabre or what? Was last week a sneak peek? I hope it's not due to incompetence from the station.
I believe it starts tonight- this is on her Facebook page.
Elvira's Movie Macabre Schedule: The rebirth of Elvira's Movie Macabre will premiere the week of September 25th on syndicated stations
across the U.S.
I don't know what you saw, but in Los Angeles where she produces it, it starts tonight on KDOC.
See you in L.A., Marvin. - Jack Walsh
It was the same exact show as they showed last week. When she started looking up the classifieds for work, I was like, DEJA VU. Then she presented NOTLD. It was the same exact episode that they showed on Sunday 9/19/10 at 1:00 AM CST. I don't know why my station aired it early and I even remember seeing some sort of ad for it stating that it was on the 19th of September. I even recorded it to dvd this past week and I was going to put the second episode on it. I thought last night was going to be The Terror, but i guess it will be next week.