MovieChat Forums > Love & Hip Hop Discussion > So...Rich is talking to a Scorpion about...

So...Rich is talking to a Scorpion about a Scorpion

First off: get the story correct. Unless the frog and scorpion were both zombies on that final pass, none of that story made sense, and this story has been in plenty of television shows and movies, and at this point is a staple for writers when they have nothing else to really say and are trying to sound wise, so you should not have messed that up, where was the script supervisor?

Rich: How many times can you forgive somebody and just have them wrong you again, and again, and again?

(Does he know he was talking with Peter, or maybe Peter was the right one to ask, maybe to understand a scorpion you have to talk to a scorpion?)

Am I expecting too much from this show?


So Rich feels like he is getting played? HE's tired of forgiving? Now he knows how all of his ex-girlfriends feel.

The statement below is false.
The statement above is true.


Well technically Moniece (according to The Hollywood version) played him by wanting Fizz and Erica Mena. I dont remember how that ended. They really didnt show him with alot of girlfriends..they just showed he'll F anything. And those he did (Strawberry, Mariah Lynn, Blaze) they showed us those were F buddies. Although he did mislead Strawberry some so I kinda take that back but Peter and Cisqo are true scummers. They are making babies and affecting a whole lot more than the woman. The kids will look back and see in HD what their daddy did to their moms.
