Your First Impressions

As I write this there's only the one Bioshock: Infinite trailer online, what does everybody think so far?

I'm incredibly excited! I love the feel and aesthetic so far and I think it's interesting to have another Bioshock game outside of Rapture. I'm expecting great things from this game :) I wonder if there'll be similar characters/beings to the Little Sisters, although I'd assume so, given the steampunk Big Daddy we see ;D

Oh, the trailer can be found here: for anybody that didn't know!


agreed, although I have loved playing through Rapture, I am really excited to see what they do with this completely new location. i can't wait!!!


Seriously. The fact that Garrett, or his voice is in this game makes it great already.



Oh, I love Rapture too, it's a fascinating 'place' and I love the art deco aesthetic but I do think it'll be keeping things fresh to have the new Bioshock in ... Columbia, is it?

I also loved seeing snippets of Rapture before it went to complete ruins in Bioshock 2 :)


Well here are some things i noticed, that were not mentioned here before:

Did u notice all the American Flags and the patriotic Signs in the trailer?
It seems to be a very pro-american leaded city, very patriotic, which is a strong contrast to the Messages in Rapture. Andrew Ryan hated ALL Goverments an political Orientations and built a city for those who dont want to live under any government.

Conclusion is, this new city (forgot the name right now) is completely contrary to rapture... maybe it is some sort of an rival-city to it.. or maybe it was an inspiration for Ryan from which he adapted some ideas and did something similar in building rapture, just without all this patriotism.

Another thing that was interesting: Right at the end, when the guy falls down to earth, look what is on it: Nothing! Only giant green fields, no citys, no villages, just plain green earth with a massive amount of fields.

I bet you: there is no place on our earth where u can look at such a height and wont see no city/village and just green fields.. I dont know what it means, though.



I pre-ordered the Limited Edition version. This game looks simply incredible. I can wait though as I just picked up Halo 4 and will probably pick up Dishonored in the very near future. Plus I still have to play Borderlands 2. So much to play with no time to play them all.



Hahaha Jesse859...brainwashed by Rush Limbaugh?? Bwahahaha


Hey guys. I've recorded a gameplay of Bioshock Infinity one of the first mission for the contest.
Its in Polish but maybe some of you would like to watch it if you havent played yet. Its medium details 720p PC version.

Hope you enjoy it
