This game is pretty damn amazing. Very few games really touch upon the subjects that make Bioshock: Infinite so damn good, but maybe that's what makes it so damn good in the first place. Either way, here's our spoiler free first impressions on the game that's sure to be known as one of the best games this generation:
I like Half Life, and I like Half Life 2 better, and I like Bioshock and I like Bioshock: Infinite.
I'm torn actually whether I like Bioshock or Bioshock: Infinite better. I like the gameplay of Bioshock Infinite better, but I am in the minority in that I didn't like the "twist" or the static ending of Bioshock: Infinite all that much compared to Bioshock. It's thought-provoking, but it seemed like they tried too hard honestly.
Edit: Okay, it sounds dumb to say you like the gameplay of Bioshock: Infinite better which you spend 10+ hours on but you like the other one better because you didn't like the last 15 minutes. So I have to give it to Bioshock: Infinite.
I think BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock Infinite are masterpieces, but just my personal opinion. BioShock feels more meandering as you crawl over every inch of Rapture, listening to audiologs, finding weapons, crafting, taking pictures, and feeling isolated and alone until you come across angry splicers. BioShock 2 had the same mechanics as the first, though more refined, with more enemy types and was a great companion piece with the first. In Infinite, the story and setting feel much more immediate and alive with gunfights that rely on quick-thinking and reaction. It's a hard choice, but I think Infinite edges out just a little bit more over the previous iterations.
In comparison to Half-Life, I must confess that I'm not a big fan of the series. I thought it was painfully mediocre with great presentation elements. The characters are flat, the gameplay feels archaic, the horrendous MIDI music, the AI is rather stupid, and the frustrating vehicle sections, to name a few. The design of the world and characters, the pacing, and the facial animations are terrific, but that's really what stands out to me for that game. I never played the original Half-Life and while I would love to play Black Mesa, I have a Mac, so it won't work :(
What? Half-Life has one of the best AI in gaming history.
The tripods are choreographed set pieces that follow a set path, the combine soldiers stay out in the open and only slightly side-step when incoming fire happens upon them, and the zombies adhere to their only strategy which is rushing towards you. In comparison to contemporaries like Halo 2 where you have a large multiple enemy types that take cover, utilize squad commands well, strafe and roll, and smartly use the environment to their advantage. Granted the friendly AI might as well not even exist since they're useless, but the enemy AI is very good.