'Would you kindly ...' (spoilers)
The first game forced us to take a step back and look at the "why" of video games -- why do we mindlessly run around and kill people because some director tells us to. It made a meta-statement on video games.
I thought this game was going to make a similar meta-statement, and could've -- and heck, maybe did. Either way, this is my idea/inspiration, and it's what I thought they were getting at when Booker first got to the Sea of Doors.
I thought they were going to point out how there are tons of worlds out there where people are running around, killing, saving someone, following a map, collecting "things" (coins, weapons, etc.), but that they were all variations of the same people, the same constants -- the protagonist in every FPS is some version of Booker, chasing some version of Elizabeth, saving her from some version of Comstock.
And I thought it was going to be a statement on the similarity and lack of variation in the video game world. But they didn't go for that. Or maybe they kind of did.