Bioshock Burial at Sea

Wow, did anyone else see the 5 min sneak peak? The graphics are incredible, far above Bioshock's first trip to Rapture- it almost looks prerendered. This is how I pictured next gen graphics, can't wait to play!


Just beat it its so awesome!


I just downloaded it and played about half an hour and am a little peeved by the continuity errors. Why do they include things like the airgrabber, or 'drinkable plasmids' when we've never heard of them before in the past 2 games? It wouldn't have been hard to just have eve in it's iconic syringe or make the areas in a way that we wouldn't need a skyhook.

And how exactly do you sink a building when in the past games we're told that every building in Rapture has a foundation connected to the bedrock? The environments look too different than what we've seen in the past too, almost too modern.

It just feels like they were lazy and just slapped 'Eve' onto a Salts bottle or an 'R' onto the gear boxes.


In one of the audio logs its made clear that Suchong developed the 'drinkable plasmids' by observing Fink Manufacturing through one of Elizabeth's tears. He merely copied the Vigours. Likewise, Fink developed Songbird by copying the Big Daddy. It's not an error because we have no reason to believe that this is the same Rapture as in Bioshock 1 and 2.
