Favorite weapons/vigors?

Weapons: Shotgun (love the shotgun then melee combo) and Combine (great for mid and long range)

Vigors: Crow trap with the upgrade to inhabit a dead body. GREAT on large groups of enemies.


Agree with both weapon selections, for Vigors I loved using Bucking Bronco or Charge, charge really helped when facing large groups of enemies and boss battles.


I liked sniper rifle and persuasion, love seeing them help you then blow their heads off or knock their brains out, im gruesome.


Seeing as how I always seem to use the same weapon combos in these games, I made a concerted effort to use all the weapons and vigors where I could. That said.. I inevitably ended up using the sniper rifle and hand cannon when ever I had access to them. When upgraded they were often one shot, one kill weapons. I did manage to use the entire gamut of plasmids (err.. vigors) though.


Weapons: lol I pretty much never upgraded anything apart of the volley gun, RPGs, machine gun and repeater. Yet I still couldn't tell the rpg and volley apart and same with the repeater and machine gun. They all looked similar (when equipped). I do like the skyhook melee though, a lot. Though executions were finicky and a bit troublesome to do. I like the carbine but didn't use it much, as with the paddy whacker and hand canon.

Vigor: at the start my fave was possession since it was the first vigor we got. Then it was easily the upgraded devil's kiss. Then onwards the ends of the game it was murder of crows and charge, shock jockey and bucking bronco were all fun to use too. I never hot the appeal of undertow (though I did use it) and especially return to sender (though it looked cool). Did it the sender traps even do? I used a bunch of them with the big boss fight at the end but didn't do anything.


I pretty much used the Machine Gun and RPG. Occasionally, I would swap out the RPG for a Crank Gun short term.

For Vigors, I used the Fire and Electricity, and an occasional possession.

I hardly used any of the others.

I hate IMDB's Signature policy...
