MovieChat Forums > BioShock Infinite (2013) Discussion > Comstock vs Fitzroy (spoilers)

Comstock vs Fitzroy (spoilers)

So what do you think? was Fitzroy actually as bad as Comstock? I was kinda surrprised when Booker first said that because unless I missed something
we hadn't seen anything strong enough up to that point to support that. Later on I was more on board with the idea when she was gonna kill the kid and more of her recordings where found but even then seemed like a bit of a strecht. Sure, she was a brutal leader of a bloody revolution that whent to far. But the vox where still fighting their opreccors. They where the ones being abused and they fought back. And revolutions, even just ones, tend to be bloody. So to say that the vox and Fitzroy where ecually bad as as Comstock and his gang seemed off to me. She wasn't good, but still not as bad as Comstock.



i read it as he had experienced similar people like fitzroy before, and they rarely turned out to be the saviours they claimed to be. and that might have hadan affect when elizabeth ripped open new tears, her opinions seemed to affect the different timelines they jumped to.


Exactly what I took it to mean.

When he said that there wasn't a difference between the two, I thought that was odd as well. Then I realized that this dude had been around the block and he was cynical. He didn't need to see her do anything bad to know what kind of person she was.

I actually kind of liked that. BUT, I do think that Elizabeth's response should have been more shock to his statement. To show that Fitzjoy still hadn't shown her ways yet and that she had a different outlook on life.


Both Comstock and Fitzroy become blinded by their ZEAL (~=~ fanatical belief).

Comstock believes that he saw a divine prophecy which justifies doing bad things (bombing Earth). Fitzroy becomes convinced that "all the nobel people of Columbia are evil and must be rooted out". How many dead women did you walk across/around once Fitzroy got her guns? How many cops who were basically just trying to keep the order?

The core message is - Violent revolutions will ALWAYS get out of hand.


Can someone please remind me how exactly daisy fitzroy was perceived as "evil" again? Is it because of the uprising and her forming the box populi? Couldn't we also say that Elizabeth was bad (maybe not evil) as well? *spoilers* she kills fitzroy and songbird and that thing said about how it "runs in the family".


I think it comes down to, Fitzroy and Comstock were "evil" both for the same reason. Fanatical belief about what they believed in.

Comstock, that religion, nationalism, institutional racism, etc, were the way to go. In the end it led to oppression and crime.

Fitzroy, was believed in almost the exact opposite, leading her to believe she needed to purge everyone that supported the system that Comstock believed in. Imagine if someone wanted to remake the US and they thought that the only way to do that was to nuke Washington DC, kill all the "ruling class" and their families, kill all the military, all their families, all the police and their families, all the "rich" people and their families, and all the government workers, in all the agencies, and all their families. No matter your political beliefs, that kind of fanaticism is going to be evil, regardless of your end goals.

What Booker said was that he believed Fitzroy and Comstock were both evil and both wrong. He knew because he knows the kind of people that they both are.

To a lesser degree, Booker and Elizabeth are "evil" as well. Booker and Elizabeth, kill and murder their way through Columbia and eventually kill both Fitzroy and Comstock.

I hate IMDB's Signature policy...


Uh you most have skipped a large section of the game if you think Fitzroy wasn't evil. She maybe did not start that way but neither did Comstock. But at the end of the game when you confront her she uses a child as a hostage and is about to kill him if not for Booker and Elizabeth intervening. Then there is the whole thing about Booker coming back to a world where he is dead. The people who see him are glad, but Fitzroy believes he has more value dead, when clearly the people would have supported him. By that time she has too much of a taste for power.


Fitzroy murdered innocent people to achieve the Vox's goals.

Thus, evil.

